If we work on our worship then God will make our path easy. That doesn't mean we won't go through tests and trials. We will go through more. The more God loves us the more He will test us so the more we can get closer to Him. What challenges do you face in your worship or spirituality daily? What would you like WBI to help you with? I'm a spiritual and creative mentor/coach. Not only do I work on biz marketing or creative ideas/goal setting - but also coach and mentor you through your worship and spirituality challenges. I'm here for YOU. Let me know how I can help insha'Allah. Remember, I'm also learning daily - but together we'll make it through the gate insha'Allah :)
...Arrogance breeds arrogance! Remember, the devil was thrown out of heaven for his arrogance. Humble beginnings lead to great successes. Never forget those who helped you on the way. They were gifts from God and if God can gift you then He can withhold it from you. There may come a time where those same people who helped you need your help. If they turn to you then know that God chose you to be their gift. Don't throw away your rewards by shutting the door in their face. They will become someone else's gift and you will have passed on all your rewards. You don't want the door to be closed on your face on the Last Day. Hurry to be that gift God chose you to be. ♥
...We all have an Ultimate Purpose and a Unique Purpose in life. Our Ultimate Purpose is to worship the One True God. And my Unique Purpose is helping humanity connect back to God. Its what I've been doing since forever and its what I enjoy doing. When I was little my uncle used to call me; 'Nadia Janat Mein Pukarne Wali' - 'Nadia The One To Call To Heaven'. I was conditioned from childhood on my Unique Purpose. And I love it! I love this job! Lol :D
Invest in yourself TODAY! We Be Inspired is not just another deeny page on facebook. Far from it! Its an Islamic Personal and Spiritual development organisation which was created to give you the tools and techniques to help you live your best life upon the deen in this world and prepare for your best akhirah insha'Allah. Its inviting humanity back to the fitra - back to God Almighty. This page is for ALL humanity. So how do we do that? We have a newsletter which goes out weekly and if there's lots of inspiration more than once weekly. We have our weekly blog post. We have our youtube/vimeo videos. We have twitter. We have DST's - daily soulful therapy, we have coaching and mentoring packages. We have energy and emotional healing packages. We have eBooks and books. We have eCourses and so much more. I've spent well over £10,000 on my studies and courses? Why? Because Allah (swt) created me to do the best and achieve the best. No, I don't compete with no one except myself. Yes, I am inspired and motivated by others but I'm very creative and I get my creative juices flowing. I've studies this stuff so I can give back to the world. I'm still studying and furthering my Islamic Studies insha'Allah. We have free products as well as paid products. This is YOUR time to invest in you. No more excuses! We Be Inspired is the only premier and #1 organisation to bring you all this. Its for both women and men - children and adults. I'm not someone who will give just talks and reminders. No! What does that achieve? How many times have you listened to talks and reminders and walked away positive and then that's it?! I've done it! But WBI is all about interaction. This is YOUR online school. It is about YOU achieving your deen and duniya goals. I don't want to leave you half way but hold your hand and say yes it is possible and yes you can achieve. How many times do people give reminders without any tips? I know everything we refer back to Qur'an and Sunnah but tell me this - how do we fix our issues if we don't deal with them in the correct way? If your heart and soul is broken and you're looking for answers how do you get comfort from Salaah and Qur'an? You won't be focused and even if you do read it then you won't concentrate! I've been there and I've got the answers alhamdulilah. I've been studying psychology and we need to deal with our issues. Of course pray every single prayer and read Qur'an daily but tell me if a cup is dirty how many times can we wash it to clean it up? We as an Ummah have issues - why? Because we are Human and have human emotions. I feel sometimes our Ummah has it hard because we are expected to be perfect! No! Our deen is perfect - we are human! So let me, Nadia hold your hand and help you back to Allah through our WBI services. This is your organisation. This is YOUR chance. Invest in yourself and get everyone on this page. Its time the Ummah rise again and take responsibility. We will be accountable for it. Are YOU going to join me?
...Unplug yourselves from the matrix called 'duniya'. Only then will your heart understand God's words and your soul will be at a peaceful state. Remember, inside your body is a soul - take care of it - just the way you take care of your body. Have a blessed day ahead insha'Allah! :) ♥
...In the light of the current events which have taken place in Gaza and continue to happen across the globe, there is a lesson to learn. And that lesson is one of urgency. Do not give up on your daily prayers, daily Qur'an recitation and study, daily dhikr, daily duas morning and evening. No excuses and 'i'm busy with x, y and z' is not an excuse - remember who it is that gave you this life in the first place and know that to Him is our return! Have a sense of urgency in our daily ibaadah - worship - and become active in helping those around us. Firstly help yourselves, study hard at school, college, university. Education does not stop there! You are never, ever too old to learn or study! Learn every single day. Yes passion is excellent but use passion in the correct way. Be prepared. Have a plan. Work hard. Don't become keyboard warriors but true warriors of this beautiful deen Islam! ♥
...There's too much hate in the world and there's too much hurt in the world, because we are hurting deep inside and then we start hating. We don't achieve anything by hating but become more bitter and hurt more inside. Today spread a little love. Smile, give thanks, help someone - even if its putting the groceries away. It starts with each individual. Don't wait for someone else. Let's begin this chain of love right now. I love y'all for the sake of Allah - you're my family and I wish each of you and your loved ones the best in this world and next. Ameen! Right share this chain on your walls and pages. Don't let this chain break. Let's begin with We Be Inspired and spread a little love into everyone's life insha'Allah :) ♥
...Do something great today! Become self-less and go encourage a discouraged soul to live. Tell them God loves them and this moment of despair will soon end. Be a shoulder for them. Hear them out. Then connect them back to Allah. Give them some dhikr or duas they could read. Leave them in a better state than you found them in. Put your worries aside for a moment and help them. See how things turn around positively for you insha'Allah :)
...Start from where you are and with what you have. Each of us has the exact same 24 hours in a day to make or break our situation - to move forward or to move backwards in our life. Each of us already has the resources available to begin making positive changes in our world. We just need to spend some time recognising these resources. Reflect. Ponder. Discover. And begin insha'Allah.
We all want to be successful in our deen and duniya so we can attain the best spot in the akhirah. But to become successful we have to work night and day and put in 150% - there's no short cut to true success. And a key tool you need is 'Focus'. So focus on the right things. And yes we can do it - even though we have a billion things going on. How? The Prophet (pbuh) said; "Amongst the beautiful (characteristics) of a person's Islam is that he pays no heed to that which does not concern him." Tirmidhi. Now THAT is inspiration and motivation!
DST'sYour Daily 1 minute 30 second read. Archives
January 2014