From a dear friend...
"Prayers are invisible but they make impossible things possible. It is ALLAH's job to work the wonders. Our part is the most simple PRAY, BELIEVE & WAIT..."
...Be the best you were created to be - not one day - but right now, as this moment is all you have. So live a life on purpose with purpose.
We need to help ourselves to help others. This means we need to work on our heart, souls, families to be of greater use to the Ummah. The Ummah is suffering today because of us all - we're all responsible because we have all become selfish and always put our needs first. Yes we need to take care of number one but we need to become more proactive. Dua and ibaadah are our weapon, dhikr is our shield but being proactive is obligatory as well - not just in politics, law, media but actually doing something physically to help our oppressed Ummah who should be free like us. Let's make dua that Allah truly makes us proactive and useful humans!
...Don't feel alone if you think you suffer low emaan, pain, hurt, confusion - because we're all human and we all feel it - even me! We're not perfect and we will fall into sin. But don't feel you're the only one and you're alone and everyone else is better. Its not like that at all. Keep trying. Keep hope. Trust Allah. Keep making dua. He'll help you - He'll help us all. Hold on to Him.
...Taking responsibility for our words, thoughts, feelings and actions is truly liberating - it frees our soul! So stop the blame game and the excuses! We need to take responsibility for our lives and what we do with it. We have a choice. So let's make dua to Allah to guide us to the right choices insha'Allah :)
"Dear Allah, I pray that whoever reads this message shall have your comfort, joy, peace, love, and guidance. I may not know their troubles, but you do. Please keep protecting us. Ameen!"
"When my hands can't reach special people like YOU, I touch them with my prayers. I pray that may Allah increase your health, wealth, wisdom and prosperity.
May Allah reduce your worries, sorrows, problems and enemies. May your life be filled with love, strength, peace and blessings all the time insha'Allah, ameen!" Du'a is powerful - It can change fate whilst we cannot.
Du'a is an uplifting conversation with our Creator. With du'a you will never fail, without it you cannot succeed. Make plenty of du'a in Ramadan. What is our 'Ultimate Purpose' - the reason we were created? Always wondered what you're doing here on the planet, got confused with daily happenings, uneasy, unsure and need answers?
Well here it is - the reason why Allah created us... "And I (Allah) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me (Alone)" [Qur'an 51:56] And that's it! If we can understand and master our Ultimate Purpose - then everything else in life will work out just fine iA! Allah's promise is true - hold on to the rope of Allah. Your duas will be answered - all in their own sweet time. Don't give up hope and do not despair of Allah's mercy - who do we have besides Allah? So let's not turn our backs on Him for as long as we walk to Him, He shall run to us and console us - He is the controller of hearts - He'll make it ok...
DST'sYour Daily 1 minute 30 second read. Archives
January 2014