...There are Shepherds, there are sheep's and there are wolves. Which one is you? :)
...Being patient is one of the most highly valued virtues we can have yet it is one of the most painful when our hearts and souls are broken. What do we do? Turn to the Creator of our soul and ask Him to grant us that patience. We have to train ourselves and eventually it really does become a virtue :)
...There is only ONE God - creator of the Heavens, Earth and all Creation. Creator of you and me. If you're a human then God created you. The same God who created me. There's no logic behind giving a human being a status of God because if we are human then we would all want to be God. Let's not elevate anyone to the status of God whether Prophets or Scholars. Some humans are chosen to perform miracles only by God's Will. But they are not God. So God is not human. God is beyond our imagination. God is Light. Moses wanted to see God. He was a chosen Prophet. He was better than you and me. And what happened? God told him to look at the mountain, if it stays in its place then Moses would be able to see God. But as soon as God revealed Himself to the mountain it turned to ashes and Moses lost consciousness. Even the mountain couldn't handle the shear Magnificence of God. God is not human. We are all searching for spirituality and meaning of life. All are in search of the One. God. And God has One message for us all. Worship Him only. Reflect. ♥
...Start the day in His name and end the day with His name. Because He is the source of all our health, wealth, imaan and goodness. To Him we belong and to Him we return. And He loves YOU because He created YOU. So give thanks to Him daily and be quick to worship Him the way He has asked us to worship Him :) ♥
...Don't give up, no matter how difficult or hard it seems. Because only through hardships come ease and after every dark night there is a bright day ahead. Trust the Creator of the heavens and the earth. Hold on to Him - even through the painful moments - Hold on - if I hadn't then today I wouldn't be here - He bestowed His mercy upon me - He will bestow His mercy on You - walk to Him - He's waiting.
...Want to become a multi-billionaire? Want to know the 'Ultimate Secret' and get ahead? Simple. Work on your relationship with your Creator, fulfil His rights, establish prayer, give charity, fulfil the rights of fellow humans, animals, nature, connect and implement the teachings of His book and follow the best example of His beloved and final Prophet - and become a loving, giving soul - one who works to cleanse his/her heart and soul daily and rid it of jealousy, envy and hatred - and that's all you have to do to become a multi-billionaire. And THEN He (swt) will help you take care of all your duniya needs iA :)
...What makes someone really beautiful is their soul - a God-Fearing, God-Loving soul, on the fitra, the natural disposition - yearning for Allah's Love, His Mercy and His Forgiveness. A soul which has realised his/her purpose - which is to worship Allah alone, who tries his/her bestest to be on the deen, a soul which realises its weaknesses and accepts that it will fall from time to time and needs to work daily to strengthen itself so it doesn't fall into temptations and desires. Beauty truly is skin deep. Its a soul which loves goodness, speaks goodness and trys to do good. There is no such thing as perfect and we shouldn't try to be that which we are not. Be humble, be modest but accept who you are - work on both your strengths and weaknesses and know that Allah is always with you and not against you - He will help you!
If your soul is beautiful then it will shine on the outside also iA. Stay Beautiful - coz that's how Allah created YOU! :) Many a times when we don't hear from our loved ones we hurt deep inside and think a billion things. Many a times we get so busy that we 'forget' to check in on our loved ones.
This is how we are with the creation - but what about the Creator? The Prophet (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) said, "My Lord says, 'If My slave comes nearer to me for a span, I go nearer to him for a cubit; and if he comes nearer to Me for a cubit, I go nearer to him for the span of outstretched arms; and if he comes to Me walking, I go to him running.' " Bukhari Vol. 9 : No. 627 Yet we ignore our Rabb on a daily - we neglect our Ibaadah, we neglect our Salah, our Qur'an - we get caught up in the daily glitz and glam and then we say we are lonely, empty and heart broken. If we don't call our loved ones and then we meet them we know we're in for some serious whooping! But what about our Rabb? He is waiting to answer us - will YOU make that all important call to Him today? Because if we return to Him today how will we face Him? ...We are NOT living in crazy or mad TIMES! Let's not blame that creation of God which is in His strict obedience - but let's blame the creation which has free will and is continuously disobedient to the Creator! Its people who have gone mad/crazy not Time!
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January 2014