We are always connecting and communicating with people on a daily and if we don't we feel empty, lonely and lost. We forget the One who gave us these people in the first place. Let's re-communicate and re-connect with the One who created us through the Salah and Qur'an. We owe it to ourselves to make this the best Ramadan insha'Allah...
...There is no running from God but to God because to Him we belong and to Him we shall return. This #Ramadan2012 make each moment your best and run to God - pray all your prayers, do dhikr constantly, give in charity, spread some knowledge AND connect with Him through His words - make the #Quran the only book you read this month and dive deep in and swim in its vast ocean of #SoulfulTherapy - I am, will YOU? :)
♥...From deep reflection comes the true love for Allah (swt) and once that happens then all your words, thoughts and actions will be aligned to please Him (swt) alone - the heart and soul which is empty of Allah is surely a dead heart and soul. He who has no one has Allah and he who has Allah has everything. Stop and reflect. Look at nature, look at your bodies, ponder over the universe and galaxies. Nothing is created in vain. He az wajal created everything for our benefit. Then which of our Lords favours will we deny? Many have come and gone - soon it will be our turn. Each moment is our only moment - let's make each moment count. We love our family and friends but forget the One who put that love inside of us. Work on your ibaadah - khushu in Salah and read Qur'an daily - make it your best friend - it has all the answers and look to the Sunnah for the best examples from the best human - RasoolAllah (saw). Don't say; 'I will change tomorrow - its not guaranteed for us. Start NOW and turn back to Allah and start creating positive changes in your life. Nothing is easy - its not meant to be easy - but start now and your Rabb will help you!...♥
Are YOU a 'Student of Knowledge'? We all are to some degree - however big or small. If you work on this friendship and stay loyal it will be with you always insha'Allah!
"Knowledge (Ilm) is a comforting friend in times of loneliness, it is the best companion during travels, & it is the inner friend who speaks to you in your privacy." Mua’dh ibn Jabal (RA) Cherish your friend :) ...In life we're not defined by the kind of problems we have, but by how we handle them!
How do YOU handle your problems? Its ok to have a 'pitty party' - feeling sorry for oneself and letting those emotions out but don't allow it to take over! Remember Allah says in the Qur'an; 'Allah burdens not a person beyond his scope'. This simply means that whatever comes our way Allah already knows we can handle it - He's looking for our reactions - will we be grateful or ungrateful, will we curse or endure with patience, will we wallow in pitty or look for solutions. Let's not disappoint our Creator and let's not be defined by our problems but be defined by those who handle with patience and peserverance. ...Don't turn your face away from your Creator no matter how deeply you have been wounded. Maybe it's a lesson and sign for us to reconnect with our Rabb because we get so preoccupied in our day to day that we forgot to answer His call - we forgot Him!
"If Allah helps you, there is none to overcome you. And if He abandons you, then, who is there to help you after that? In Allah the believers should place their trust." [Qur'an; 3:160] Really, there is no one else who will help you and if your loved ones 'help' you its only by Allah's Will as He has chosen them to be there for you at that time. ...And in the end there is just One, Allah! Trust in Allah - if He brought us to it He will help us through it! ♡ Start your week on a spiritual high, iA :)
Narrated Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri and Abu Huraira: The Prophet (SAW) said, "No fatigue, nor disease, nor sorrow, nor sadness, nor hurt, nor distress befalls a Muslim, even if it were the prick he receives from a thorn, but that Allah expiates some of his sins for that". Bukhari Have a blessed, productive, successful and peaceful week ahead, iA and remember, Allah loves YOU! :) Do you know your purpose or mission statement?
...'Every company or organisation has a mission statement - which reflects their philosophy - a Muslim - his or her mission statement is Ibaadatul Allah - to Worship Allah'. Imam Suhaib Webb And Allah (swt) says in the Qur'an; "And I (Allah) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me (Alone)" [Qur'an 51:56] Each moment is our only moment - so reconnect with your purpose, reconnect with Allah and reconnect with His Book - as all the answers to your questions lie in it. |
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January 2014