...My days are spent spreading love and light and giving hope to those who only see darkness. Soul and Heart therapy not just for them, but me also.
Thank you God, walhamdulilah *Khaapy* :)
Be Human! Yes, we're all different. We're supposed to be. That's how God created us. But He (swt) also created us human. By being human we can see and feel another's hurt and pain. Celebrate being human. Love, duas and light to all :)
...There's nothing wrong with love! Who said there was anything wrong with love? Who said YOU couldn't love? If it wasn't for love a mother wouldn't protect her baby from harm. God is mercy. Love is a universal vibration felt by all - all creation, even animals. How about we love the soul God created and look after it first? How about we love the one who actually gave us life? If God didn't put love in our souls life would be very much a mess. Love freely. Make dua for those who you love. Don't confuse love with illicit relations. That has nothing to do with love. Don't hate the opposite gender and confuse it with love because we all have one of each in our life - our mum and dad. Allow yourself to be loved. Be a good human and see how God fills your life with love and light. Who the Heaven am I? #WTHAI2013 ♥
...Sometimes we need to try 'tough love!' Because that's what will push us to the edge to get up and do what we have to do! So if you're feeling some procrastination then why not try a lil bit of 'tough love' with yourself? Think about it for a moment. All others will achieve their dreams and you'll still be like; 'well what if?' Tough Love!!!
...There's too much hate in the world and there's too much hurt in the world, because we are hurting deep inside and then we start hating. We don't achieve anything by hating but become more bitter and hurt more inside. Today spread a little love. Smile, give thanks, help someone - even if its putting the groceries away. It starts with each individual. Don't wait for someone else. Let's begin this chain of love right now. I love y'all for the sake of Allah - you're my family and I wish each of you and your loved ones the best in this world and next. Ameen! Right share this chain on your walls and pages. Don't let this chain break. Let's begin with We Be Inspired and spread a little love into everyone's life insha'Allah :) ♥
..Is a Lover not a Hater. Is Loyal til Eternity and Beyond. There's too much hate in the world because people are hurting within. We need to fix up our souls or else we'll spend our lives in this same cycle of hurt, pain and sadness. Learn to Love - because Love is Pure - its a Gift from the Divine ♥
...God is Love and He is Light. Fill your hearts and souls with Love and Light and your days will be full of peace, joy, love and light! ♥
Do our loved ones feel safe in our company? How do we treat them? Do we love and respect?
"The best believer according to his practice of Islam is one from whose tongue and hand Muslims are safe." [Bukhari & Muslim] Let's not question how others treat us and let's make sure we treat our loved ones in the best manner. Let's work on being the best believers insha'Allah! ...What makes someone really beautiful is their soul - a God-Fearing, God-Loving soul, on the fitra, the natural disposition - yearning for Allah's Love, His Mercy and His Forgiveness. A soul which has realised his/her purpose - which is to worship Allah alone, who tries his/her bestest to be on the deen, a soul which realises its weaknesses and accepts that it will fall from time to time and needs to work daily to strengthen itself so it doesn't fall into temptations and desires. Beauty truly is skin deep. Its a soul which loves goodness, speaks goodness and trys to do good. There is no such thing as perfect and we shouldn't try to be that which we are not. Be humble, be modest but accept who you are - work on both your strengths and weaknesses and know that Allah is always with you and not against you - He will help you!
If your soul is beautiful then it will shine on the outside also iA. Stay Beautiful - coz that's how Allah created YOU! :) The best of teachers, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:
“Carry on doing (good) deeds, for each person will find it easy to do such deeds as will lead him to his destined place for which he has been created. So, he who is destined to be among the happy (in the Hereafter), will find it easy to do the deeds characteristic of such people...” Bukhari A week before 28th March 2010 I started to fall ill - very, very ill. I was going to enter my fourth decade in this world and I fell ill. I was preparing to leave this world. After many tests and hospital visits, a week before Ramadan 2010 I got better and all tests came back negative. Life is just too, too short! And I decided to make the best of it and my calling in life was revealed to me; 'We Be Inspired' was born on March 28th 2011 - the same date Allah (swt) Willed for me to enter this world! Your love, duas, support means everything to me! We Be Inspired is 1 year old today - JazaakAllah Khairun to ALL of YOU - WBI Family! Jzks for being part of my world - you're truly treasured! Re-read the hadith above and Be Inspired to do the best in this world and prepare for your best akhira insha'Allah as Allah (swt) created YOU the best and wants YOU to do the best! :) |
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January 2014