...As a spiritual, personal and health development advocator I believe in a holistic life. For me this means that for our spiritual development we pray all our prayers, on time and recite Qur'an daily and do some daily dhikr/tasbee/adhakaars. This actually ultimately strengthens our mind, body and soul. Personal development is about fixing our mind. What we believe we achieve. So this is about reading the right stuff - a mind diet. Health is not just about eating your five a day but also daily regular exercise, going to gym or taking up sports and eating/drinking the correct food. This is what I called holistic development. What are YOU doing in all these areas to live a holistic and fulfilled life? :
...Learning never ends. Are you learning something new today? Challenge yourself and stretch yourself today. Tell me what's one new thing you're learning today?
...Master your emotions - master your life! Are you in control of your emotions or do your emotions control you? What's one thing you can do right now to change your state immediately?
...We spend too much time on our outer-self that we forget our inner-self. If you only get one body and you want to maintain it by healthy food, diet, exercise, beauty products then remember also that you only get one soul. Remember its rights also. Take care of your soul. It is the only real YOU!
...Change your 'Why' to 'How, What and Who'. Successful are those (in all areas of their life) who are challenged and then quickly get unstuck and move on from 'Why me?' To 'How can I resolve this now?' And 'What resources do I need or already have available' and 'Who can help me in this'. Try it insha'Allah
...Too much noise on social media and facebook. Too many shiny object distractions. Stay focused on your end vision to motivate you. Remember, sharing too much info and pics about your life ain't cool at all. Its means you have a need to fulfil and are using this medium to fulfil it. Those who are truly content and fulfilled get on with the job at hand. Why the need to know what someone else is doing on a daily? If you're feeling empty then look for halaal means to fill your soul and live your life. Our life is precious and we were created for greatness. Don't waste it browsing and looking for gossip to fill it up. We will be accountable for it on the Last Day. Live YOUR life now - the halaal way!
...Its all about the mindset. Why is our Ummah stuck in a 'poverty' mindset? There's plenty of money to go around. If you disagree (you can if you want) re-evaluate your values and beliefs and life. The once thriving Ummah - now poor? I get this is pretty deep for some - but honestly - in today's world we can achieve so much, eradicate poverty and give our Ummah its honour back. But to do that someone has to break the blame cycle. Someone has to take a step towards change and risk. Someone has to take responsibility. Its not just about the oil rich nations. We too are responsible. Yes, YOU and I! I'm taking this step now. Insha'Allah I pray you have the courage also. We'll be accountable for this on the Last Day. Bismillah-ExCel!
Learn to balance your life - in all areas. Too much of one thing is not good - even if it is something good. Get a grip on your emotions. Learn why you feel what you feel. What are your values? What do you deeply cherish and believe in? What seems out of alignment. Go within and get to know yourself. Intellectual Intelligence will get you high paying jobs/positions, however emotional intelligence will set your soul free! (I'll be teaching a Masterclass on Emotional Intelligence iA).
~ Early Years - Innocence is a gift - enjoy play and dreams
~ Teen Years - Puberty and hormones are dodgy - no one seems to understand you, want to rebel and break free. ~ 20's - What to do with life, to marry or not to marry, high-flying careers - freedom and still confused. ~ 30's - Life becomes meaningful - you find purpose - you value time - family becomes priority. Emotional Intelligence is core. 40's and beyond - I'll let you know when I get there! Lol ...Take the initiative, be bold, journey the road less travelled and live your dreams - they call it destiny! Have a blessed, productive and successful week ahead!
DST'sYour Daily 1 minute 30 second read. Archives
January 2014