We all want our Ramadan to be a success. However, things do happen. Maybe we didn't prepare? I can help you prepare your own plan for this Ramadan iA. Message me now to get on to my xclusive one2one 'Coaching, Mentoring & Healing' packages. Closing Sunday at midnight. Only 6 places. Get on board right now.
There's a Genius lying dormant within each of us. Go on and find that genius within. Even if everyone is against you - its ok. You ride it solo. Set your sails high and find that genius. And when you find then give thanks to God because when everyone else turned their back on you - He (swt) made sure your boat stayed afloat and He (swt) helped you find the genius He (swt) created! :) ♥ ...We can't help everyone in life we meet. We can only help those who wish to seek meaning to their life and are ready to make some positive changes and they acknowledge that they want positive changes. But we can make dua for everyone. So if we can't physically help anyone, let's make dua from our heart and soul for them iA :)
...If someone, anyone, knocks on your door for help (literally or via any other means) then please help them - even if it's as simple as giving them the Qur'anic ayah; 'Seek Help in Patience and Prayer' - because that someone put great trust in you and were very courageous to ask you and Allah (swt) chose YOU to be that person they turn to. So by us turning that someone away, we are in fact turning Allah away. Allah will inspire you to help them in whatever way He knows is best - so don't worry. But please don't turn anyone away...
...Don't turn your face away from your Creator no matter how deeply you have been wounded. Maybe it's a lesson and sign for us to reconnect with our Rabb because we get so preoccupied in our day to day that we forgot to answer His call - we forgot Him!
"If Allah helps you, there is none to overcome you. And if He abandons you, then, who is there to help you after that? In Allah the believers should place their trust." [Qur'an; 3:160] Really, there is no one else who will help you and if your loved ones 'help' you its only by Allah's Will as He has chosen them to be there for you at that time. ...And in the end there is just One, Allah! Trust in Allah - if He brought us to it He will help us through it! ♡ If we want change and improvement in our lives and world then we have to take the all vital step towards it!
"Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it." Helen Keller So let's not always stare at the door that's closed because we won't see the new door of opportunity which has opened! We won't have anyone to blame except ourselves. As humans we have emotions - we fall, we hurt, we cry - but don't let it take over you, don't let it crowd you and don't let it empower you. You have the ability to pick yourself up and make the change! :) The Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه و آله و صحبه و سلم said:
"If you truly put your trust on Allah, He would provide you {sustenance} as He provides the birds; where they leave in the morning with an empty stomach and return back with a full stomach." {Musnad of Imam Ahmad & Sunan At-Tirmidhi} So, who will put all your trust in now? :) Got your WBI notebook ready for today's lesson? Good, good...
"Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all whoever have." Margaret Mead So believe in yourself and believe you can make some change - firstly, positive change within yourself and then to your world, iA! :) ...We are all; 'The Alchemist' of our own lives. No need to travel the four corners of the world for answers - just search within as that's where all the answers to all your questions lie dormant waiting to be heard and followed...
'Resolutions require only words. Results take action'.
So resolute and take action - for the only limitations are the ones we place on ourselves. Step out of your comfort-zone and do the one thing you always wanted to do or learn. If you want to achieve your goals then for each one break it down and make a step-to-step plan and do one thing right now to make that goal a reality iA. So, go on, resolute and take action to achieve those results to achieve your dreams. |
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January 2014