Ever wondered why when you meet someone you either instantly 'click' or instantly 'run'?
...The Prophet (pbuh) said: "The souls are like armies gathered together, those who knew each other (in the other life), agree with each other (are inclined towards each other). Those who did not know each other, disagree." That is the reason why when you meet people in this life you either click with them or run from them! How cool is that? Those who click in this world used to chill together in Jannah! :D
The Prophet (salAllaahu alayhi wa salam) said: “The signs of the hypocrite are three: when he speaks he lies, when he promises he breaks his promise and when he is entrusted he betrays the trust.” (Bukhari and Muslim)
Simple solutions: 1. Speak only good or remain silent. 2. Don't promise if you know (for whatever reason) you can't deliver and; 3. Don't take on a responsibility which you strongly feel you can't handle. Sounds really simple, I know! But we humans like to complicate things for ourselves. We think that the hadith mentions something 'light' and if we break a promise or lie then we can just tell the truth next time. But do we know if we will get a chance 'next time'? Let's always speak the truth or remain silent. Let's always fulfil our promises and let's always take our responsibilities seriously iA! What is great in sin?
"Arrogance, boasting and showing off are greater in sin than drinking alcohol." (Ibn Taymiyyah). This doesn't mean we justify the drinking of alcohol but we need to remember that arrogance, boasting, showing off not only ruin our daily day-to-day life and leave our souls in a state of unhappiness but also ruin our hereafter. Remember that Shaytaan was thrown out of Jannah because of arrogance - let's not allow arrogance to keep us out of Jannah! |
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January 2014