***Qur'an is for Life - not just Ramadan!***
"And We have certainly made the Qur'an easy for remembrance, so is there any who will remember?" {Qur'an, 54:40}
...The Qur'an is a nourishment and gives life to our dying heart and soul. Read it daily and connect with your Rabb. Qur'an is for life - not just Ramadan. If we can facebook every day - we can Qur'an every day. Connect with the Book of Allah and see how life starts to get better iA.
...Are you hurting inside? Crying?? Alone??? Been there, done that! Want instant soul therapy and heart relief? Turn to Allah in salah and open the Qur'an and recite it. Try it - it works. You'll be hooked! :) ♥
...The only and best self-help book for us is the one from the Creator of the heavens and earth Himself. Yes, even I read a lot of inspirational and motivational books and yes they do help me - but firstly and foremostly it is the Qur'an - because it has all the answers! Pick up your physical copy or your mus'haf (not digital/online version) and reconnect back to God through His words. Now THIS is pure heart and soul therapy. Try it and feel the change and the difference :)
...With hardships there's ease. So don't despair of the mercy of God. If you're going through some form of hardship right now know that you're still breathing - and with that comes the opportunity to pray, seek forgiveness, repent, do dhikr, recite Qur'an. There's always an ease with a hardship. Look for yours insha'Allah.
...Start the day with Salaah and Qur'an and end the day with Salaah and Qur'an and insha'Allah everything in between will go smoothly. Even if you don't think its goes to plan it definitely goes through God's plan and He is the best of all planners!
Start the day with Prayer and Qur'an and your day will be full of success. If you want to be successful in each area of your life then establish regular prayer at its fixed appointed time because prayer invites us to success and if you want some heart and soul therapy and if you're looking for some answers in life then read the Qur'an. Establish your life around your five daily prayers and success is yours!
We all love our friendships and relationships. We work on them daily because we believe they make us happy, whole and complete. And we believe they give the best advice! But there's one relationship we ignore on a daily and we need to work on daily because it gives us the best advice daily. This relationship if with a special Book. Allah is talking to us and advising us. Yet we fail to take its advice. Ask yourself; 'Have I opened this Book today and read the Qur'an and what is my relationship with the Qur'an?' Its not too late - yet. Close facebook and go open the Qur'an Book and immerse yourself in the words of Allah.
À ♥ without the Qur'an is a dead ♥. Ask yourself; 'How much time do I give to the Qur'an daily'. All the answers you're looking for are in there. Its the #1 self-help Book not a shelf-help book and if the shelf was made from wood then wood came from a tree that was living and breathing. Maybe the shelf is more at peace than the human soul! *Reflect*
We say that we have issues in our life and that our hearts are broken and our souls are torn. We look here and there for wise words, inspiration, motivation and therapies. But what we forget is that each of us has a priceless Book in our houses - wherein lies the healing for our hearts and souls. Dedicate your lives to the Qur'an and in turn Allah (Swt) will grant your hearts and souls peace and serenity. Don't listen to me, go open the Qur'an and listen to Allah - because to Him we belong and to Him is our return.
And the Messenger has said, "O my Lord, indeed my people have taken this Qur'an as [a thing] abandoned." {25:30} ♥ |
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January 2014