...Do we desire the pleasure of people over the pleasure of Allah? All actions and intentions are for Allah alone - especially our worship (ibaadah). Its easy to fall into the 'Am I good enough for others?' trap and then try to please others. We're human and we will go through this. You might be going through it now. But we need to work on it daily to overcome it as well as help each other to overcome it. Let's make this our daily reflection action insha'Allah :)
You are blessed with so many talents and skills - why don't you use them? As soon as you start using your talents and skills for the greater good and pleasing the Creator the sooner you'll be happy within and the sooner you'll be happy on the outside. Why wait for someone to see your worth? Please the Creator not His creation. You are worth it! Be Creative. Be Passionate. Be on Purpose.
He who has no one has Allah and He who has Allah has everything! Go out there today and give it your best - in everything - deen and duniya - worship and worldly affairs (work/study/biz) and have a blessed Friday. Remember, you're already a multi-billionaire - if you have Allah! Do good, be good and have good! :) ♥
If we work on our worship then God will make our path easy. That doesn't mean we won't go through tests and trials. We will go through more. The more God loves us the more He will test us so the more we can get closer to Him. What challenges do you face in your worship or spirituality daily? What would you like WBI to help you with? I'm a spiritual and creative mentor/coach. Not only do I work on biz marketing or creative ideas/goal setting - but also coach and mentor you through your worship and spirituality challenges. I'm here for YOU. Let me know how I can help insha'Allah. Remember, I'm also learning daily - but together we'll make it through the gate insha'Allah :)
...We should be more conscious about our worship and our connection with God than be fashion concious. Yes our deen teaches us to be clean and purify ourselves but being overly concious about our clothes/appearance (looks, hijaab styles) kills the peace within. Why? Because we're always trying to look 'good and presentable' the halaal way. Its still the same thing - being 'self-concious'. Everything in moderation insha'Allah.
"In my mind, I've always been an A-list Hollywood superstar. Y'all just didn't know yet." Will Smith
And he IS a superstar! And so are YOU if you believe it enough and work for it enough. Its the #Last10 - time to pump some more ibaadah iron and strengthen those ibaadah muscles insha'Allah! :) #L10I Take the initiative and be bold! Just go do it! Stop thinking so much. Stop fearing so much. And stop telling yourself you can't when you can! Believe in yourself - if you don't, no one else will! If you don't ask you won't know! Be yourself! Be courageous! Be you! Say Bismillah and go for it! Allah loves you and He's got your back! Let's go! (Ps - that's my self talk lol - now YOU try it!) :D
..."Seek knowledge, because seeking it for the sake of Allah is a worship. And knowing it makes you more God-fearing; and searching for it is jihaad, teaching it to those who do not know is charity, reviewing and learning it more is like tasbeeh. Through knowledge Allah will be known and worshipped."
[Ibn Taymiyyah Rahimahullaah] ..."The believer speaks little, but does much. And the hypocrite talks a lot, but does little. The believer's speech is wisdom, his silence is contemplation, his gaze is pondering, his actions are righteous. So if this is your state, you shall perpetually be in worship." Fudayl bin Iyyad
We need to worship Allah - He az wajal does NOT need our worship.
"Do not become proud merely because you worship often, for consider what happened to Iblis after he spent a great deal of time worshipping." Hasan al-Basri May Allah (swt) keep us all steadfast and grant us sincerity and purify our intentions in all that we do - especially our ibaadah, ameen. |
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January 2014