Cheerleaders cheer you on - to see you succeed and to see you win, win, win!
Who are your cheerleaders? Are you a cheerleader to your loved ones? Too many times we put people down and people put us down. Enough is enough! We have only one life here and we need to win the race to Jannah. Today, grab some pom-pom's and become a cheerleader and in return you'll have your loved ones cheering you on insha'Allah! My mums my biggest cheerleader and then my siblings and then my nieces & nephews and then my closet friends. I make sure I grab my pom-poms to cheer them on as well! :)
...When our hearts and souls are corrupted, everything in our life - our words, actions, thoughts are corrupted. The glitz of this duniya can easily throw us off track. This #Ramadan2012 gift yourself with a pure heart and soul. Make a promise each day to work on it so we can achieve. We have to take the first step as Allah helps those who help themselves. Will YOU help yourselves today? Let's turn to Allah before we return to Him.
To make positive changes in your life you have to take daily positive action.
The prophet peace be upon him said: "Whosoever pursues a path to seek knowledge therein, Allah will thereby make easy for him a path to Paradise." (Muslim) Seek knowledge and become a student of personal positive development and your life will improve for the better daily iA. Ramadan is the best time for a spiritual renewal. Use the time wisely and reconnect with Oneness insha'Allah.
'You might be far from Allah, but, He is close to you! Turn to Him and you will find Him. If someone says; "I feel far from Allah" Ask them; "Who moved??"' Its time we fixup NOW as the next moment is not guaranteed to any of us! ...Living in the moment is important because we get to cherish the little things - the ones we often overlook and then regret!
Living in the moment is not negative or self-absorbed. It can truly benefit us in the long run insha'Allah. So, 'Plan for tomorrow, learn from the past, but live in TODAY!' And enjoy precious moments with your loved ones insha'Allah. ...The grass is not always greener on the other side. It may well be soiled with the remains of evilness or it may be lifeless, dull and dark of depression and pain. If we focus less on others and more on ourselves we would actually be very happy. Allah created us happy - we need to really find our happy again. Be content with Allah's decree. Want more? No probs, work hard and get it. What or who is stopping you? Its just an excuse for us to procrastinate. Been there, done that - no more! God helps those who help themselves. Maybe the other side is thinking, 'The grass is greener on their side - if only...'. This Ramadan let's really strive to fix us up insha'Allah..
Go easy on your souls. All children of Adam are sinners. We all make mistakes and they are in fact lessons in disguise.
“My sin burdened me heavily. But when I measured it against Your Grace, O Lord, Your forgiveness came out greater.” Imam Shafi'i Let's work on our heart and soul daily and strive to be better with each day - and Allah (swt) will help us on this journey. ...Everything happens for a reason. Whatever has happened in our lives so far has been a lesson. It is teaching us something. What that something is, we all need to discover for ourselves as we are all on a journey. This #Ramadan2012 allow yourself to go deeper into this journey - a journey which takes you deeper into your heart and soul. Therein lie all the answers. Be thankful and grateful to Allah for all the lessons. We all need to improve for the better - each day - little by little. Don't be afraid on this journey - it will lead you to your final abode - let it be Jannah al-Firdaus insha'Allah.
"If you do not intend to do a thing, do not start; if you do start, see it through even if the heavens fall; if you make up your mind to do something, do it; let nothing, no one, interfere." Charles Haanel
Time is like a river, You can never touch the same water in a flowing river twice. The flow that has passed will never pass again. Therefore make the best of the time that Allah has given us during this blessed month of Ramadan. May Allah accept our duas and shower His blessings on us insha'Allah, Ameen!
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January 2014