...We all want to be loved. We all want to belong. We all want respect. We all want this from others. This is our expectation. But how many of us love and respect ourselves? Most days we're running away from our own issues, our own lives, our own souls. Yet we seek from others. If we can't love and respect ourselves firstly then why should anyone else love and respect us?
Do our loved ones feel safe in our company? How do we treat them? Do we love and respect?
"The best believer according to his practice of Islam is one from whose tongue and hand Muslims are safe." [Bukhari & Muslim] Let's not question how others treat us and let's make sure we treat our loved ones in the best manner. Let's work on being the best believers insha'Allah! Sometimes we can be the most cruelest to ourselves.
We talk about ourselves in the most negative and degrading way. Imagine if you said all those things that you say to yourself to your loved one - how would they feel? I know, you wouldn't dare say that to them to hurt them! So why talk about yourself in such a way? That's not modestly or being humble - its being mean to yourself! "You say that you are just a body, but inside of you is something greater than the Universe." Imam Shafi (rahimullah) Learn to love and respect yourself - your soul and your body - and treat them well. They are an amanah - a trust from Allah and we will be accountable for them on the Day of Judgement. Remember if you don't love and respect yourself - no one else will! ☺ 1. ...'Look for the wisdom of God in everything that happens in everything that you do'. Dr. Umar Abd-Alah
2. 'Oh Allah, give me eyes that see the best in people, a heart that forgives the worst, a mind that forgets the bad and a soul that never loses faith - ameen!3. 'I can do all things through God who gives me strength!'Have that as your daily positive motto and with firm belief go out and make your world a reality - and insha'Allah you will succeed! :) Let others 'Live', we are all on a unique journey.
Yes the ultimate vision is Jannah al-Firdaus, but don't knit pick on peoples bad/negative habits. We all have bad/negative habits which we need to work on iA. Give them nasiha or even practical examples - and anyway change starts within each of us - if we be the best version of us upon the deen then iA that will be reflected and it will soften the hearts of others and it'll be easier to advice them and help them through. Always remember - we've all been there and we were all guided. Whomsoever Allah guides non can misguide! So Live and let's others Live and stop putting them down - that will only take them further away from the deen and from Allah. Do people sometimes confuse you?
The Smartest People > Sometimes Can't Solve Thier Own Problems The Prettiest People > Sometimes May Have The Ugliest Personalities The Quietest People > Sometimes Have A Wild Side Too The Meaner People > Are Sometimes Tired Of People Taking Advantage Of Them The Smiling People > Are Sometimes The One That Are Dying Inside People Are Not Always What They Seem. Don't Judge :) Don’t look at expressions on faces. Don’t listen to what is said with tongues. Don’t let tears sway you. They are all but products of human skin. It changes everyday. Look instead for what is under the skin. Not the heart either, as it also fluctuates, nor the mind, as it changes its point of view whenever it changes its perspective. Moreover, the mind may accept at present what it denied in the past. Even scientists change their theories.
No, my son! If you want to understand a human, look at his or her action in a moment of free choice. Just then you will get very surprised as you may see a saint prostituting, and a whore praying! You may find a physician drinking poison, and you may get shocked by your friend stabbing your back, while your enemy saving you! You may see a servant who acts as noble as a master, and a master acts as despicable as the lowest servant! You may see kings taking bribes and wretches giving charity. Look at man when there is no fear to stop him; when caution sleeps, desire gets satisfied and barriers fall. Just then you can see man’s reality: walking on four legs like an animal, or flying like an angel, or creeping like a snake, or eating mud like worms. Dr. Mustapha Mahmoud Translated by: Amany Elmorshidy In life you will realise that there is a purpose for every person you meet.
Some are there to test you. Some will use you. Some will teach you. Some will bring out that best in you. Some may cause you pain, but you'll learn to move on. So let go of the people who can't treat you right and hold on to those who love you and see your worth. The gift of life is life itself :) 'Enough is Enough!'
But YOU have to decide who you keep and who you don't. YOU set the boundaries and its YOUR call. (Yes I know we can't chose our family - but there's wisdom behind why they're our family!). When you let go of those who hold you down negatively then you can finally lift yourself, be free and reach for the stars iA! Even if its negative family member(s) you still decide when you accept what they say and when you say 'NO!'. You owe it to yourself! :) A beautiful hadith as a reminder. Sometimes our ego gets in the way and we're not nice!
"Whoever is kind, Allah will be kind to him; therefore be kind to man on the earth. He Who is in heaven will show mercy on you." (Abu Daud: Tirmidhi) So let's work on ourselves and then Allah (swt) will bless us in everything we do and will shower us with His Mercy, insha'Allah, ameen! :) Our kindness should reach the hearts of ALL of Allah's Creation and not just Humans :) |
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January 2014