We're in a rush to move forward in our lives that we don't stop to fix the past. The best way to enjoy the present and move forward with the future is to deal with the past. Too many times we bury the past but that's where our original issues start from. By dealing with the past issues it helps us move forward. That's how I did it! And it doesn't take long. If we don't deal with it then we'll be inspired and motivated by reading a few inspirational and motivational posts and articles and then 6 months later fall back into that trap again. I know. I've been there. Deal with it now and then move forward insha'Allah.
If we work on our worship then God will make our path easy. That doesn't mean we won't go through tests and trials. We will go through more. The more God loves us the more He will test us so the more we can get closer to Him. What challenges do you face in your worship or spirituality daily? What would you like WBI to help you with? I'm a spiritual and creative mentor/coach. Not only do I work on biz marketing or creative ideas/goal setting - but also coach and mentor you through your worship and spirituality challenges. I'm here for YOU. Let me know how I can help insha'Allah. Remember, I'm also learning daily - but together we'll make it through the gate insha'Allah :)
...We all have an Ultimate Purpose and a Unique Purpose in life. Our Ultimate Purpose is to worship the One True God. And my Unique Purpose is helping humanity connect back to God. Its what I've been doing since forever and its what I enjoy doing. When I was little my uncle used to call me; 'Nadia Janat Mein Pukarne Wali' - 'Nadia The One To Call To Heaven'. I was conditioned from childhood on my Unique Purpose. And I love it! I love this job! Lol :D
...In the light of the current events which have taken place in Gaza and continue to happen across the globe, there is a lesson to learn. And that lesson is one of urgency. Do not give up on your daily prayers, daily Qur'an recitation and study, daily dhikr, daily duas morning and evening. No excuses and 'i'm busy with x, y and z' is not an excuse - remember who it is that gave you this life in the first place and know that to Him is our return! Have a sense of urgency in our daily ibaadah - worship - and become active in helping those around us. Firstly help yourselves, study hard at school, college, university. Education does not stop there! You are never, ever too old to learn or study! Learn every single day. Yes passion is excellent but use passion in the correct way. Be prepared. Have a plan. Work hard. Don't become keyboard warriors but true warriors of this beautiful deen Islam! ♥
..Each of us has the ability to inspire another soul. Don't be selfish and keep all the inspiration and motivation for yourself. There's enough to go around the universe. So inspire and motivate another soul to make positive changes in their life and you shall also have equal share in the goodness insha'Allah.
The real struggle is the struggle of the soul - to remain on the path of righteousness. The sooner we stop looking at others, their profiles, their daily lives and updates, the judging then the sooner we can start fixing ourselves. This struggle is constant and continuous. Our pious predecessors have written many volumes on this subject - here at 'WBI' we barely touch the surface (I'm studying this area in depth and will bring you courses and workbooks on this subject.) Let's fix up before we get fixed up insha'Allah!
♥ "We should know that Allah has created us to live an eternal life with no death, a life of pride and ease with no humiliation, a life of security with no fear, a life of richness with no poverty, a life of joy with no pain, a life of perfection with no flaws. Allah is testing us in this world with a life that will end in death, a life of pride that is accompanied by humiliation and degradation, a life that is tainted by fear, where joy and ease are mixed with sorrow and pain." ♥
Ibn Qayyim Al Jawziyyah ...My mama always says; 'If you point one finger at someone - see how many point back at you.' So let's look at the positive side. We've all been guilty of pointing 'The Finger'. So now let's focus on the fingers pointing back at us - how many? Three. Right. So which three things can we improve on? Which three things can we work on to become a better version of us? Now let's go fix up those three things and when we've done that - work on the fourth 'pointy' finger iA :)
![]() ...If you're hurting and need a shoulder to need lean on and you look around and all of a sudden everyone has disappeared - then don't start hating your loved ones - just know that Allah (swt) has sent them away for a while so you can reconnect with Him (swt) and He is the only one who can wipe away our tears. When He (swt) sends your loved ones to you to be there for you - this is a gift from Him at that time - but at other times He (swt) wants YOU just to turn to Him alone - just you and Allah! :) ♥ ![]() There's a Genius lying dormant within each of us. Go on and find that genius within. Even if everyone is against you - its ok. You ride it solo. Set your sails high and find that genius. And when you find then give thanks to God because when everyone else turned their back on you - He (swt) made sure your boat stayed afloat and He (swt) helped you find the genius He (swt) created! :) ♥ |
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January 2014