![]() What a decade! I'm sure, just like me, you've had a crazy ride with all the highs and lows. So, as we end this decade and look forward to a new year and a new start, lets's take a moment together to recap the top 10 blog post articles and top 10 videos from We Be Inspired. After all, WBI was born in this decade. I wanted to create a platform where I could share with you daily inspiration and motivation to help us live a life full of purpose, with purpose. It's what I want for myself and it's the path I've been on for the last almost 26 years now. I'm (sometimes) obsessed with being the person I was created to be and to find myself through all the challenges and difficulties as well as the good times. Together, I wanted us to use all our God gifted abilities and talents to truly live out our best life, helping ourselves, each other, humanity, and all of creation, and in the process also get closer to our Creator, God Almighty - Allah (swt) - work on strengthening our connection with Him, working on perfecting our ibaadah - our worship - and preparing for our best afterlife - for as I always say, each moment is our only moment! This is my passion and my life purpose - to help you reconnect with God! So, grab your hot or cold drinks and snacks, and get ready to be inspired and motivated, and step into the world of Islamic Spiritual and Personal Development. And if you're new to this world, then, this is an awesome place to start right now, and when you finish, continue browsing the website for more content, articles, videos, and resources. Oh, and, make sure you grab your notebook and pen - you're going to need it for sure! Let's do this. Let the class begin. Bismillah-ExCel! Top 10 Blog Post Articles from 2011-2019: #10 YOU are NOT a Mistake! God created you for a reason - for a purpose. Each moment is teaching you a lesson and this lesson is shaping up the human you are meant to be - the human you are being right now. The only thing is how you perceive it and how you react. This will determine your path in life and what you achieve. YOU are needed in this world - it's time you believe this and start living life full on! #9 Give and You shall Receive! We live in a society and culture where we want to work hard only so we accumulate all the goods of this world. We want, want and want! Its ok to have goods of this world - if done in moderation. We need a roof on top our heads and clothes on our body. We need that. So we work for it and its ok. But it's not always just about us as an individual, but we as a group, a community, humanity. After reading this post, you'll become a giver too (if you aren't already) and watch the abundance you receive in return. #8 I'm a Victim - Get ME out of HERE! The topic we are going to look at today is about 'Self-sabotage' and 'Victim mentality'. Today's topic is pretty deep - in more ways than one. So before we begin I request you to read this only if you are ready to move on from all negativity in your life, if you're looking for some solutions and answers and if you want to start making positive changes in your world. If you're feeling very low and emotional then this topic may really hit home and may upset you or may even make you angry. But do read it and do the exercises as it'll really help you. #7 Need A Quick Spiritual Fix? So here's the plan for us insha'Allah. I'll give you the overall plan, but its for you to make your own schedule - because we've all got different daily schedules. I mean normal people's schedule begins from 9am til 5pm, but someone as abnormal as me, my schedule is 5pm till 6am! (Don't ask!) (Side note - it's 2019 and it's still the same - the 5pm till 6am thing!). #6 Are YOU Aware of YOU? How do we spend most of our days? Do we consciously go through the day knowing what we are doing or do we just ‘flow’ through the day on auto-pilot? Maybe you’re half and half – half on auto and half conscious? And, so, the question is – what about the other half? Time to find out now! #5 Courage Doesn’t Always Roar! Today's topic is about; 'Courage and being Courageous’. Before we continue further I just want to point out that this topic is not only for females but also for males. In a society where gender biases are at a high we are always told that men are brave and women are weak. We're not talking about the gender differences which Allah (swt) has created but how we always tell boys; 'Boys don't cry they are brave' and we tell girls; 'It's ok to cry, you're a girl!'. You might cry when you read this post, but it's OK, it's a healing process. Watch how your courage is unleashed. #4 Is YOUR Patience A Virtue? ...Or does it make you more impatient? Well, we have been hearing all our lives that patience is a virtue! Is it true though? And has it worked for YOU? Has patience become a virtue for you or made you even more impatient? Let's find out and cultivate patience in our life. #3 What are YOU doing this Moment? Moments: Know that every moment you have is an opportunity. An opportunity to grow, to excel to make your dreams a reality. How do YOU spend your moments and what are you doing this moment? Each moment is our only moment so find out how you can live each moment to the fullest. #2 Have YOU Found YOUR Purpose Yet? * Ever questioned and asked what you're doing here on Planet Earth? * Ever had one of those days when you said; 'I've had enough! No more! I don't get it! Why ME!?? * Ever wanted peace and comfort - enough of the hustle bustle of daily life and just time to be you??? *Reflection Moment (take a minute)* If so, then I ask you, what's stopping you from being you and having peace and comfort in life? Read to discover your purpose in life and then live it out full til the end of your lifetime. #1 There's something Special inside of YOU "You say that you are just a body, but inside of you is something greater than the Universe." Imam Shafi (rahimullah). We are spiritual beings living in physical bodies - both need taking care of. Our soul needs ibaadah (worship) and our body needs the right foods and exercise. When both the soul and body are aligned - we are at an overall state of peace and ease. But when either one of them is misaligned then we are at dis-ease. Have you ever felt at dis-ease? Then step inside of yourself and discover who you truly are! Top 10 Youtube Videos from 2011-2019: #10 Ramadan of Excellence 2019 #9 Challenge Yourself Daily #8 Students you're in it to win it! #7 What the FOMO is all that about? #6 The Power of Chunking #5 How to get Instant Soul Therapy & Heart Relief #4 Let's share the burden today #3 Challenges have Solutions #2 Your Map of the World #1 Who the Heaven am I? So, there you have it, a selection of articles and videos to help you heal from your wounds and the past, release the negativity, set the intention, and step into the new decade - into 2020 - with excellence, health, and abundance - in ALL areas of your life. Thank you for being part of this journey and I look forward to your company in the coming decade(s), insha'Allah - God willing. I'll recommit to excellence and helping you to reconnect with God. Please keep me in your duas too. With all my love, duas, and light, Nadia :) [BTW, if we've just met for the very first time right now on this blog post article and you resonate with my words and you want to learn more about me and how I can help you, then I invite you to CLICK HERE to join my 'Inner Circle Tribe' and grab yourself some FREE Masterclass trainings to start learning from me right away. If you're a regular WBI'er then you're good for now - keep an eye out for the regular emails.]
![]() Last Thursday my cousin brother was taken into hospital in an emergency as he threw up blood. They put him on the machines straight away to ease the pain and so they can do scans. On Friday at 5pm we got a phone call from his elder brother that he only has a few hours left. We rushed to the hospital in a taxi and guess what nasheed was playing? 'Oh traveler you are here for a few years and the grave is your ultimate destination'. I was shaking all the way from home to the hospital. I had always heard about ICU but on Friday i experienced it for real. I don't think i want to experience it again. Well, not for a long while anyway! We walked through the first double doors - me, my mum and dad and my nephew - and everyone was there. My aunties, uncles, nieces, nephews, my cousins wife and kids - even extended family. I hugged my niece and she said; 'Chacha (uncle) is leaving us. His 11 year old son was sitting next to her...quiet. Walked through the second double doors and saw another family in another room leaving, crying. Walked through the third double doors and the room was packed! All i could hear was Surah Yaseen being recited loudly by my uncles and few other relatives reciting the kalima loudly. I slowly walked forward....and there he was...on the bed....on the machines... I grew up at my aunties house (khala) as a kid and my cousin brothers used to take me over. I grew up as their little baby sister. I was there at ICU for 7 hours and said my goodbyes. I came home and tossed and turned all night. At 7am my mum told me that he returned to Allah. His heart went down and down and they switched the machines off and at 4am the Angel of Death took him. Saturday was his Janazah and we sent him off. He had nour shining from his face and he was smiling. Over 100 people attended the burial and every single person praised his character and personality and continues to praise him. Let my brothers death be a reminder for us all - because reminders benefit the believers and as humans we need constant reminders - we easily forget and get caught up in this life. - He had been ill for 3 years and he left this world within 48 hours. - He was scheduled for an appointment in London in 6 weeks for treatment yet his appointment with Allah came before that. - He was the youngest of his brothers and his elderly mum is poorly. Yet his time came. How many times have we heard of instant deaths when someone was absolutely fine and the next minute they're gone? This teaches us that this life is not a guarantee for 100+ years. We don't take anything with us except our deeds. We don't even have to have an illness and our time could be up. So let's ask ourselves; * Am I praying all my 5 compulsory prayers on time? * Am I spending time with the Qur'an daily? * Am I doing dhikr and tasbee and keeping my tongue moist with the remembrance of Allah? * Am I actively seeking knowledge and implementing it in my life? * Am I learning about the rules and rites of life and death and everything in between? Because the reality is that you and I don't know about all the rites and rules! The reality is that we're living in ignorance and even in sin. Even when we find out the rules and rites we actively choose to ignore it. We listen to laws by man yet ignore those by Allah. We don't actively seek to know so live in ignorance and sin. We have no one to blame! No western illuminati masonicy conspiracy cult. Nope! You and I are to blame! Right now we seek Allah's forgiveness from our ignorance. Right now we decide to seek knowledge, implement it and teach it. Right now we prepare for our meeting with the Angel of Death. Right now is when we decide to live on purpose with purpose. If you've read this then now you're not in ignorance any more. Now you decide which path to take. Let's take the path which leads to Allah. My cousin Ramzan was in his early 40's and leaves behind his elderly, poorly mum, brothers, nieces and nephews. He also leaves behind a wife who is 35 years old and 5 children age 14, 11, 7, 6 and 5. Please keep them in your duas as they are the ones whose life has changed forever.... ![]() A personal reflection... They say that it has to get worse to get better. They were right! March 2010 - April 2014 I still get flashbacks! I go into deep reflection mode and get emotional and teary! I go quiet... I'm teary writing this... Even back then walhamdulilah I still got to do a two week KSC Easter Playscheme through the drama and went London for an evening workshop. Only through God's will and Mercy did I make it through those two weeks in April. God is Great! April 2010 - I thought it was the beginning of 'The End'. April 2014 - Am I still alive? Wow, subhan'Allah - I still pinch me to make sure it's real. God is Great! Everything is not what it always seems - especially on social media. Don't be fooled by my 'khaapiness' on display. There's a reason why I'm still alive and there's a reason why you are alive and reading this. There's a reason why I do the personal and spiritual development work I do today. Everyone is on a journey. This journey is back to God. This moment is all we have. I promised that if I got better through my illness I would make each my moments count. It's not funny being 'alive' and telling your family 'I might die and we need to prepare now' and trying to be ok with it all. It's not funny sitting at hospital alone not taking your family with you so they won't be upset and getting those biopsies and stuff. The Nurse: 'You're a brave girl!' Me in my head: 'It hurts lady - it hurts! I just don't wana show you my tears!' And yes I cried when I left that hospital! It's not funny trying to fake smile at your nieces during the playscheme and lying to them; 'Don't worry - I'm ok - everything is ok!' And they know everything is not ok. It's not funny seeing your Mama trying to be ok as she might lose her youngest and being brave. Everyone is on a journey. I know you have your story too. It's ok if no one gets you - I get that all the time! I'm misunderstood most the times! Remember though Allah has put you here for a reason. Be ok with that and do what you gotta do - even if no one gets you. Coz we're all on a journey and it's all gona end soon. Make the most of yours - make your moments count - as this moment is all we have... I know I don't share this with y'all - but I am today - just so you get a glimpse into my world and maybe it gives you some soul therapy too. Nadia x ![]() Happy Monday! So, you know how my brain is always working non-stop right? And you know how i'm always coming up with new ideas and brands right?? And you know how i just want to help you make positive changes in your life, live upon the deen and prepare for you best akhirah, right??? Ok, well, I've just launched a new private group on facebook and i'm now taking applicants and enrollment is open for UK & Global! :D Click here to join; 'Nadia's Diamond Entrepreneur Academy'. Make sure you bring pen and paper or your smartphones or online devices. We're already on lesson 4! I know, i'm such a geeky-nerd. My family call me nerd-brain and my friends call me a learning-machine lol! Anyways, see you inside the Diamond Academy now :) ![]() Here's a video which was shared by one of our WBI fans. It brought tears to my eyes. And I know it will move you too. It will mean to you whatever it needs to mean to you right now. The video is a commercial for some financial company - but honestly just watch the video for what it is and then ask yourself; 'What am I doing to become and extraordinary human being?' Because you can - if you believe and you allow yourself - and give yourself permission to become extraordinary. Remember our role models - Rasool-Allah and our Pious Predecessors. Believe and become extraordinary and do something great for humanity! :) Question: What lessons did you just learn from watching this video and what one thing will you do right now to move towards your extraordinary self?
Comment below and let us all know! :) ![]() Remember those good old days when we used to write letters to our friends and loved ones? Whatever happened to them?! Well anyways, I have just written you a letter. If you have been considering working with me in a one 2 one coaching, mentoring and healing session or even wanted to attend a workshop but still not sure then click here now to read the letter - because now is a chance for you to make that decision. I have just launched the VIP Days! *Takbir* I am pretty open and transparent in this letter. I am a private person at times and I don't usually open up to everyone - however over the years writing has really helped me to express my emotions and feelings alhamdulilah - but I also believe it is important for you to know more about me, my journey and how and why I can help you on your journey in this life too. So click here to read the all important personal letter from me to you and let me help you help yourself insha'Allah. ---> Click here for the VIP Days letter from me to you! <--- ![]() ...Today I was going to give up and quit it all - all of it! I cried - a lot. Sometimes it gets really overwhelming and just too much for one soul. I made a dua in the early hours and asked Allah to show me the way. I've never been more serious about quitting than today. Today is also the Day of Arafah. Millions of people are right now on the plains of Arafah begging for Allah's mercy and forgiveness. A day when many are guaranteed salvation from the Hell-Fire and those who return from Hajj return as a new born - sinless - a Hajj Mabroor. I remember it clearly - like it was just today. It was 5th March 2001 - I was on the plains of Arafah with my parents and millions of other Hujjaj. A childhood dream come true and one of the youngest from my clan to do my Hajj. I was just 20 years old (actually, two weeks after I returned I was to turn 21 and I was in my final semester of my final year of my law degree at University). So many dreams in the eyes of a young 20 year old. I'm childhood ambitious. I have grand dreams. Not just for myself though - i'm not that selfish. I have grand dreams for our Ummah and for the entire humanity. I have grand dreams which involve YOU - yes YOU reading this now. I want to see YOU succeed in all areas of your life - in this world and the next. I walk the talk and expect 150% ExCel Mode from myself. That is what I operate at. You might say i'm too harsh on myself - or that I expect too much of myself. You're right - I do! I only have one life here - just one chance to work for that one vision Jannah al-Firdaus. It all starts here though - right here - in my front room, by the fire. It all starts in this world. How else will you and I achieve our ultimate vision of Jannah al-Firdaus if we don't work it here. Jannah has to be won - it won't be given to us on a plate. On a day like Arafah when gazillions are begging for Allah's mercy and forgiveness - here I was ready to quit - today 2013. I'm extremely sensitive. Only my very close souls know this. Everyone else see's the confident me. But my close one's know how deep I am and how sensitive I am and how I take things to heart. I don't cry in front of anyone - not my family, not my friends. Just with Allah - and Mano (my cat). I'm not overly emotional - like I don't burst out crying if you don't like me. Not me! I may have my shy and sensitive girly side - but i'm very much tom-boyish also. I have zero-tolerance on women and men who just cry over tiny things! I'm the; 'Yes we can! Let's do it now' type. So, for me to even be sharing a piece of my heart with the entire universe is deep. This is the vulnerable me - one which you might not see again - or might see on a very rare occasion - like today. I'm willing to give you a glimpse into my heart and soul - and be vulnerable like this whilst I have tears in my eyes. I share with you as you may be going through your own journey, trying to find who you are and what you want to be or supposed to be doing. You may feel lost and confused. You're trying and trying and yet nothing is working. No one is supporting you - like you thought they would! Just like me you may be ready to give up. I went to sleep crying with my dua of guidance. And then I woke up to a message from a sister who made dua for me and said; "...jazakAllahu khair for your posts they really are inspiring and I just wanted to say never give up what your doing mashaAllah. May Allah grant you a long and productive life sis and remove all your sins ameen. Don't let others negativity affect you. I know its hard but you touch more hearts than u know inshaAllah. Allah chose u for this - I don't see anyone else doing what u do and that is your calling so keep close to Allah and don't get knocked backed wen the road is so tough. Ur work is inspiring and an encouragement to others". I think I'm gona cry again! This one message has taught me so much instantaneously and touched my core. And the weird part is that this sister had no idea what i was feeling. She is someone i met a year ago and we have the usual facebook and whatsapp contact. This was deep. Read her message again - it's from me to you now. I'm ready to redirect my intention and focus. I'm here til Allah decides my time is up. For now - i'm staying :) Bismillah-ExCel! ![]() Can you fly with a broken wing? What if both wings are broken? Would you give up? Of course you wouldn't - you're a WBI'er and WBI'ers NEVER give up! :) For those with broken wings - (ask a bird or a plane, they would tell you if they could speak ) - they know how difficult it is to maintain a balance. Similarly (by the way, I have issues saying this word) in life we need two wings to keep us balanced and steadfast. What are these two wings that can keep us balanced? They are; 'Hope' and 'Action'. Today I will talk about the importance of both hope and action and how they are two wings which make our flight in life easier. We can have a smooth landing each time insha'Allah :) Hope and Action - are two wings to 'achieving' or 'doing something'. However most the time we think we're doing or achieving but in fact we are 'wishful hoping'. See, wishful hoping (and thinking) won't get the job done - and unfortunately most the time all we are doing is wishful hoping and thinking; 'I would like to lose weight', 'I would like to start a business or enterprise', 'I would like to travel'. And what are the results? You got it! Nada! Nothing happens. Its like magically we say it and it'll happen. But 'hope' couple with firm faith/belief will ignite the fire inside of us and bring 'action' - which brings change - which brings results. (Read that paragraph again. Now memorise it.) Faith and belief in what? Faith and belief firstly in God Almighty - the Creator of the heavens and the earth - and the Creator of you and I - that when He (swt) says 'Be' it will! Nothing can happen without the will of Allah. The pen has been lifted and the ink has run dry. So it was written so it shall be done. What is meant to come our way by destiny will reach us no matter what and what isn't meant to be for us won't come for us (trust me you'll be happy when it didn't because God was saving you from something not good). "And never give up hope of Allah's soothing Mercy: Truly no one despairs of Allah's soothing Mercy except those who have no faith." {12:87} When you have firm faith and belief in Allah (swt) you'll always be hopeful no matter what. You'll always find a way. Even if you cry for a couple of days, scream or shout, you'll eventually find a way. Why? Because your faith in your Rabb is strong. You just know deep inside that it'll be ok. And when your faith and belief in your Rabb is strong you'll have faith and belief in yourself. You'll believe that you can achieve and you'll be hopeful of it. You'll find ways of making it happen. Even if the whole world turns against you, you know you can do it because you know God has faith in you! :) These are internal states. Or one set of the wings. But the next set of wings is external - 'action'. Once we have firm faith and belief and are hopeful we can achieve we have to get up and 'Just Do It!'. Its really as simple as that, because as I said earlier its not magically gona happen. Because your internal state is so strong and your wing is flapping away its only inevitable that the next wing will get into motion. Its caused a reaction. You'll do what you physically have to do to get it done (whatever it is that you need to get done). What if you had all the action - you did, did and did - but you weren't hopeful that you'd achieve? Well you'd lose passion and patience, you'd lose momentum and you'd give up. You would feel that you've done so much but you're not seeing or feeling the results so what's the point?! Any of you ever been there? What if we have hope and don't act? I mean we just hope for the best...hope it will happen...hope we will pass an exam...but we don't actually prepare for the exam? Its not gona happen! Anas (radi Allahu anhu) reported that a person asked Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam), "Should I tie my camel and have Tawakkul (trust in Allah for her protection) or should I leave her untied and have Tawakkul." Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) replied, "Tie her and have Tawakkul." [Hadith At-Tirmidhi] And what if we don't have hope and don't act? We're the living dead then! What a waste! So the question is are your wings broken? Or just rusty? Or working just fine? "The only recognisable feature of hope is action." Grace Paley Today's tips and action points will help you polish those wings up and mend them if they are broken insha'Allah :) Tips and Action Points: 1. Read two rakahs just before you're about to do the exercise. Really focus and connect with Allah. Tell Him everything. Make dua for guidance and help. Set the intention insha'Allah. 2. Get Clarity - what is it that you want to achieve - whether that's in your ibaadah (worship) or your studies/work/biz/life/health - really get down to it - grab a pen and paper and write your heart out - what do YOU want? 3. Now when you've got what you want (written down) - what options do you have? What resources are available to you to do what you said you wanted to do (or achieve)? 4. What are the three things you will do NOW? List those three things in bright colours and Just Do Them - NOW! :) If you have an ibaadah or life goal you want to achieve and you're looking for greater clarity and need a sounding board for your ideas then now is your time to hop on board for our next intake of the 6 week one2one intensive 'Coaching, Mentoring and Healing' package. As a 'Spiritual and Creative Mentor/Coach' I help and guide you through your ibaadah and business (or life) goals, clear any blockages (such as fear, low confidence etc) and help you create a strategic workable plan to make your dreams a reality insha'Allah. To apply for our April 2013 packages click here http://www.webeinspired.com/coaching-mentoring--energy-healing.html Remember if you want to achieve your dreams - both deen and duniya - then you need to polish up both wings and make sure they are working in unison - Hope and Action! :) ![]() Ever had a heart and mind conflict? ...'But my Heart says one thing and my Mind says another!' That's what we always end up saying when we're trying to make a decision or thinking about some next steps in our life. We fail to see the heart and mind as two separate organs doing different things and functioning in different ways. Yes ultimately they are linked - the entire system is linked and that is why we are functioning properly. But there are some fundamental differences between the two. I know you Scientists are going to love this because I'm the Legal Eagle and I'm disregarding probably everything you've learnt at Med/Science School. Sorry folks! But y'all know I see things differently lol! ...The mind does what you tell it or ask it. It's like a computer. If you ask your mind; 'Why am I unsuccessful' then it will go and look for all the proof and answers to back up your question and tell you why you're unsuccessful. But if you ask; 'Why am I successful or how can I be more successful?' Then it will go and look for all the proofs to answer your question. Yes the mind is an organ which needs exercise. So please read, read a lot - daily - give it a mental training and sharpen it. It does come in handy with those questions and we do need it so look after your mind and feed it with nutrients - not junk! (I'm not disregarding it - I love the mind because its all about the subconscious, conscious, thoughts, belief systems etc!). But today we're talking just about the heart - its a complete different ball game. See the heart 'KNOWS!' It knows the answer deep within and it knows that we know! Yet we fail to listen to it. Why? Because we are human. Because we are afraid. Because we have fears. Because we don't want to fall or fail. The list goes on. But what we don't realise is that we do more damage than good when we don't listen to it. We say our heart says one thing and our mind another so we should listen to the mind as the heart comes from an emotional place so it will always make us soft and squiggly and we will end up making wrong decisions. Have you ever made a decision from your heart? How did it feel? What were the emotions? What if we trained our heart with goodness, nourished it with goodness and worked on purifying it? Would we still listen to it or ignore it? Would we put full trust in Allah that He (swt) will pour goodness into our heart and guide us to goodness or are we going to give into our fears (which come from belief systems - the mind)? We are spiritual beings on a human journey. The heart is part of our spiritualness. Not the physical heart - but the spiritual heart. If we all went for heart examinations and cut open our chest the heart will not show the deep evilness on the surface. That's because that is part of our spiritualness. Just the way we can't see our soul - we can't see the spiritual heart. How does the heart become evil? Well, we are responsible for that. We feed it with constant jealousy, envy, anger, backbitting, slander and the list goes on. Allah (swt) says; 'Nay! But on their hearts is the Raan (covering of sins and evil deeds) which they used to earn" (83:14). So what does this mean? The Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him) said, “When the believer commits sin, a black spot appears on his heart. If he repents and gives up that sin and seeks forgiveness, his heart will be polished. But if (the sin) increases, (the black spot) increases. That is the raan which Allah mentions in His Book: ‘Nay! But on their hearts is the Raan (covering of sins and evil deeds) which they used to earn’ .” Al-Tirmithi The purifying of the heart is a constant and daily journey. I guess you can say it's a bit like eating food daily and drinking water daily. We need this nourishment for our body to function properly. We need to feed our heart daily and cleanse it daily. Some of the basic stuff that we can do - because again this is such a deep topic that its for the scholars to delve into - pray our Salaah daily on time, read Qur'an, listen to tilawah, study the tafsir of the Qur'an - constantly remember Allah - which is also dhikr-Allah. Yes I know its a struggle. I do struggle too and sometimes I think why?! - Especially when everything was going ok - but its because we are human and this life is a test - we have to go through these daily tests. The Prophet (pbuh) said; "In the body there is a morsel of flesh and when it is sound the whole body is sound and when it is corrupt the whole body is corrupt. Verily it is the heart." Bukhari and Muslim So we need to rid it off the jealousy and envy - these two are constant bad companions. They are like best friends! We get jealous and envious of others lives and achievements - even if someone gets married and they are happy, people will have something to say about it! We need to stop corrupting our heart and if we continue then our heart will become black - full of raan and it will become dead - dead to emotions - dead to feelings - you know, cold heartedness? (yup, we've heard that before!). So what now? Here's today's Tips and Action Points: 1. Make a conscious decision and hand your heart over to Allah. Ask Allah (swt) to guide it always and to help you in everything. 2. Start listening to it - listen to your gut - you know 'gut feeling?'. Trust me, you'll have this fluttery feeling in your heart and you'll know. 3. Make a plan to start purifying your heart. Yes this is going to be difficult but we're all in this together and we can do it - with Allah's help we can! If we have a constant feeling/emotion/trait like jealousy - then firstly we need to find out why we have it, recognise it, see the shortcoming on our part and then fix it! When you start making these small but constant changes you'll notice the inner peace within you and you'll notice how you consult your heart more and you'll notice how you're consciously asking Allah to guide you to the answer. Try it! If we fix our relationship with Allah then we won't fear listening to the heart. Maybe we know the answer and we actually understand what the heart is saying but we don't want to listen to it (like don't go to that specific place as there is haraam there but we rebel and do it anyway!). As I always say to all my loved ones; 'Listen to YOUR heart. Hand it over to Allah and ask Him to help you and guide you - because He'll put the answer in your heart!' We need to remember that what will help us on the Day of Judgement is not our worldly successes but a sound heart. As the Prophet (pbuh) said; "Allah does not look towards your bodies nor toward your appearances but looks towards your heart." Muslim Its time for us to fix up our hearts insha'Allah. And listen to your heart - because it KNOWS! :) ![]() Success is personal and everyone has their own definition of it. And that's cool. Some would define success as academic achievements, some as moving up the career ladder or promotion, some as being the best parent/child/spouse, some as been able to pray night pray every night and few pages of Qur'an every single day and some would define it as a combination of all. Again, that's cool, because each one of us is different and each one of us has different dreams and hopes and wishes to achieve. All successful people - in whatever they are successful in - have daily routines and habits that they have established. The western personal development gurus swear by them and are always teaching and drilling these routines and habits into their students. Obviously they got it from Islam! :D For instance we are taught by Rasool Allah that he would make the following dua; He said: "O Allah, bless my Ummah in its early hours." The early hours are the best. Praying night prayer in the last third of the night. Then praying Fajr and then reading some Qur'an. Its also one of the best times to read Qur'an as it's witnessed and recorded by the angels. And then follow this with quiet contemplation or in other words dhikr-Allah. Recite some tasbee, focus on the meaning. It will help quieten the mind of useless chatter and help us focus better. There's a reason why many meditate and do yoga in the early hours and that's one of the reasons they can have laser focus and achieve so much! So, we need to develop some positive habits and routines. If you haven't already then master the morning prayer routine and then add your mantras to it. What are these mantras? They are like statements - positive statements - repeated often which get us into a positive mindset and help us focus on the task at hand or our long term goals. What is YOUR mantra? Would you like to succeed and continuously have that energy switch which gets you into top form as and when you need it? Then it's time to create YOUR 'Unique Success Mantra' (if you haven't already). Read it, memorize it and switch into 'Excel-Mode' as and when you need. But before we begin - we need to clear the clutter and have a soulful therapy moment. We need to get rid of the trash from our soul and know that 'things will happen' - yes they will - that's the nature of our lives - even if you're the happiest care-free soul, it doesn't mean you won't be put into compromising situations - even if its not to do with you directly, then a loved one, friends, colleagues - and some being intimate and close relations - how do you deal with their issue(s) successfully, help them through it and then switch back into your own 'Excel Mode', back on track? Its about recognising and appreciating the importance of 'each' moment, which ties into the core of your existence - your life - which is limited and being time-bound, we have to get the best and enough done in the 'time' we have and so that means working on our 'focus'. We need to keep in mind the above and work on a step by step method on regaining our focus. Well, how do we do that? Here's how; a) Appreciating your life as 'Limited, Time-Bound and Precious' b) Your goals and ambitions are all time-bound - we have to achieve them in a specific time. c) What is precious is cared for and looked after (like a small child/animal). So what is precious to you? Is your life precious? d) Know that there is someone who you call on 24/7, 365 days without an appointment and without waiting in a queue and who will help you - who? Allah e) Supplicate (make dua) to Him and ask Him to help you f) Know that you're a means by which Allah wants goodness for your loved one - He put you there to help them - He gives you the strength to help them g) Know that you can only help those who want to be helped - in the end its between them and God h) Be polite, assertive, direct and confident when helping your loved ones - because you need to get back to your work/life/study - and there's only so much you can do for someone i) Always leave them in a happy, positive state - leave them with duas, ayahs and ahaadith - leave them hopeful - and insha'Allah they will soon see the light j) After you've helped them go back to your 'Success Mantra' (which we will create in a minute) and point #a above k) Eat healthy food, fruit, vegs, plenty of water, light exercise daily, walk daily, be in nature, parks, trees, flowers and listen to some Qur'an. Take a tech-break - no phones, tv, net, social media etc l) If the issues are seriously intense - then do the above point #k at least three times (different things from the list insha'Allah to add variety) and read your 'success' mantra again and point #a above again - and you'll soon be back on track and you'll have regained your focus insha'Allah! As I pointed out above we need to fix the issues of our soul first and you know things will creep up but you have to create awareness and be ready to deal with them. "Richness does not lie in the abundance of (worldly) goods but richness is the richness of the soul." Sahih Muslim Book 005: Hadith 2287 So now we have regained our focus - its time to create our success mantra insha'Allah. I'm going to share mine with you. Use it as a template or be inspired to jot your own down. In fact, mine is not even a one word statement or one line sentence. Its a whole paragraph and was inspired by a personal development book I read. Its pretty personal to me as I add the things that apply directly to me so you can add your own and personalise it insha'Allah. Its helped me to create laser focus and to get things done - alhamdulilah. And I read it daily! Bismillah ***From this moment on I will do what I need to do in order to excel in my deen, my ibaadah, my spirituality, my studies, my work, my businesses, my health, my wealth, my relationships and my life! I will operate in '150% EXCEL MODE turBo flow' from now on in every aspect of my life and be the best. I'm tired of being second best. I will Excel. I choose to be Extremely Successful insha'Allah, ameen!*** :) So, there you have it. My success mantra. By the way success is allowed in Islam - its how we deal with it and how we use it. Remember we have 'One Life and One Chance' to do all the good and right things and we should all have that 'One Vision' - Jannah al-Firdaus and to get there we have to pass the tests from this life. And Allah (swt) grants success to whom He wills - this world and the next! "Whoever works righteousness - whether male or female - while he (or she) is a true believer (of Islamic Monotheism) verily, to him We will give a good life (in this world with respect, contentment and lawful provision), and We shall pay them certainly a reward in proportion to the best of what they used to do (i.e. Paradise in the Hereafter)" [al-Nahl 16:97] Ready to write YOUR 'Success Mantra?' Just before you create yours and read it I want you to do a quick exercise. This involves you getting into a peak state. Think of a time when you were really happy with your achievement (whatever it is). I want you to feel that moment throughout your body. I want you to smell all the smells associated with it. What things were going through your mind at that time? What were you feeling? Feel it. Use all your five senses. Increase the feeling. Make it very bright and visual. Make it into 3D. And when you're at that peak state (or a halaal happy high) write your mantra and start repeating it. Say Bismillah and just go do it! Hope that helped y'all! :) Leave a comment below to inspire all our WBI'ers and email me if you need help with writing your success mantra or to go through those steps to trash that junk insha'Allah! |
AuthorNadia Leona Yunis Archive