If your soul is not growing then it's dying! Are YOU living or dying? Are you making each moment count and actively seeking solutions to your challenges and working hard in your worship, studies, work, relationship, life, business? Are you constantly learning and applying? Are you making a difference to the lives of others and becoming an asset to humanity which you are meant to be now? On the Day of Judgment we will stand alone in front of God - all those whom we love and those who we go crazy over will be standing alone too! Each of us will be accounting for our own life - what we did with it and how we spent our time. We think we have all the time in the world - but do we really? How many do we know were here with us a year ago and now they're gone! Take a moment and picture yourself now on the Day of Judgment standing in front of God alone with your book of deeds and ready to account... He (God) will say, “How many years did you stay on the earth?” They will say: “We stayed a day or part of a day....” [Quran; 23:112-113] And what is our purpose here? Why are we suffering so much? Why are we hurting? Why are we so negative? Why do we live in drama and create drama? When someone helps us why do we reject it? This victim mentality does not serve us! We are created for a reason - we must excel and grow! "Did you then think that We had created you in jest (without any purpose), and that you would not be returned to Us (in the Hereafter)? So, God is exalted, the True King. None has the right to be worshiped but Him...[Qur'an; 23:115-116] We will all return to God! THIS is our reality which the Qur'an teaches us over and over. This is what our Prophet was teaching us! Yet - we get caught up in our head and the stories we tell ourselves over and over - (usually these stories don't exit - we make them up) and then we make ourselves suffer and then years and years go by and then we wake up and realise we don't have the energy we used to - we don't have that strength - we are not youthful - we have more responsibilities! We weren't created to just work and pay the bills! Yes, that is part of life but NO that is NOT life itself! Life is much more - it has tests and trials to teach us, guide us and purify us. God has blessed us - in fact gifted us - with so many skills, talents and abilities that most of us are not even using. Is that YOU? Are YOU afraid what 'others' will think of you if you step up and shine your light? I did and guess what...i still do! It's not easy putting ourselves out there to be judged and criticized - yet we must stand up for what we believe - we must make our voice heard - we must start living right now. Are YOU ready to live now? YOU have so much potential in you right now which is lying dormant...because of your fear! I spent years fearing too...i still get into my own head at times...but the more i put myself out there through my work the more prayers i get from everyone for showing up and shining my light because they needed to hear and read what i said because in that moment it was what they needed to get back on track on living a life of purpose. God has blessed you - and you reading this need to be grateful for all His gifts to you and declare that from this moment on now you are going to live the life you were created to live. God don't create no junk - He only creates awesome diamond souls like YOU! I hope this helped now! :) Click here to help your soul grow and grab my new masterclass for FREE called 7 Steps To Make This Year Awesome! Love, duas and light! Nadia, your Personal Peak Performance & Mindset Transformation Mentor-Coach-Consultant
Last Thursday my cousin brother was taken into hospital in an emergency as he threw up blood. They put him on the machines straight away to ease the pain and so they can do scans. On Friday at 5pm we got a phone call from his elder brother that he only has a few hours left. We rushed to the hospital in a taxi and guess what nasheed was playing? 'Oh traveler you are here for a few years and the grave is your ultimate destination'. I was shaking all the way from home to the hospital. I had always heard about ICU but on Friday i experienced it for real. I don't think i want to experience it again. Well, not for a long while anyway! We walked through the first double doors - me, my mum and dad and my nephew - and everyone was there. My aunties, uncles, nieces, nephews, my cousins wife and kids - even extended family. I hugged my niece and she said; 'Chacha (uncle) is leaving us. His 11 year old son was sitting next to her...quiet. Walked through the second double doors and saw another family in another room leaving, crying. Walked through the third double doors and the room was packed! All i could hear was Surah Yaseen being recited loudly by my uncles and few other relatives reciting the kalima loudly. I slowly walked forward....and there he was...on the bed....on the machines... I grew up at my aunties house (khala) as a kid and my cousin brothers used to take me over. I grew up as their little baby sister. I was there at ICU for 7 hours and said my goodbyes. I came home and tossed and turned all night. At 7am my mum told me that he returned to Allah. His heart went down and down and they switched the machines off and at 4am the Angel of Death took him. Saturday was his Janazah and we sent him off. He had nour shining from his face and he was smiling. Over 100 people attended the burial and every single person praised his character and personality and continues to praise him. Let my brothers death be a reminder for us all - because reminders benefit the believers and as humans we need constant reminders - we easily forget and get caught up in this life. - He had been ill for 3 years and he left this world within 48 hours. - He was scheduled for an appointment in London in 6 weeks for treatment yet his appointment with Allah came before that. - He was the youngest of his brothers and his elderly mum is poorly. Yet his time came. How many times have we heard of instant deaths when someone was absolutely fine and the next minute they're gone? This teaches us that this life is not a guarantee for 100+ years. We don't take anything with us except our deeds. We don't even have to have an illness and our time could be up. So let's ask ourselves; * Am I praying all my 5 compulsory prayers on time? * Am I spending time with the Qur'an daily? * Am I doing dhikr and tasbee and keeping my tongue moist with the remembrance of Allah? * Am I actively seeking knowledge and implementing it in my life? * Am I learning about the rules and rites of life and death and everything in between? Because the reality is that you and I don't know about all the rites and rules! The reality is that we're living in ignorance and even in sin. Even when we find out the rules and rites we actively choose to ignore it. We listen to laws by man yet ignore those by Allah. We don't actively seek to know so live in ignorance and sin. We have no one to blame! No western illuminati masonicy conspiracy cult. Nope! You and I are to blame! Right now we seek Allah's forgiveness from our ignorance. Right now we decide to seek knowledge, implement it and teach it. Right now we prepare for our meeting with the Angel of Death. Right now is when we decide to live on purpose with purpose. If you've read this then now you're not in ignorance any more. Now you decide which path to take. Let's take the path which leads to Allah. My cousin Ramzan was in his early 40's and leaves behind his elderly, poorly mum, brothers, nieces and nephews. He also leaves behind a wife who is 35 years old and 5 children age 14, 11, 7, 6 and 5. Please keep them in your duas as they are the ones whose life has changed forever.... |
AuthorNadia Leona Yunis Archive