...So you start to learn something new - enrolling on to a new course maybe, grab a new book perhaps or finally decided; 'Enough is enough - I'm going to live my best life and help others live their best life too'. And so you excitedly go and tell your loved ones (parents, friends, spouse - cat maybe) and they turn around and say; 'Why are you studying so many courses? Why you gona do that for?' *Ouch!* You know...I've been there too and oh boy did that hurt! (In my heart) :( You think that the ones who love you the most will be your biggest support. Nah ah, Not always. There's a lot of reasons behind their unsupportive gesture. It could be because they had goals, dreams and wishes for life but were unable to fulfil them because, well, life got in the way. Or maybe because now they think they won't see or hear so much of you again. Or that they are just not interested in the same thing as you. Or maybe they are just jealous! Too many maybes, I know! But it usually is one of these and I've had my fair share of ALL of these! Sad - I know! But the thing it really boils down to is 'fear!' Fear is such a nincompoop that it stops us from reaching new heights (in all areas of our life). I should know - because all I did was listen to others negativity and just let it eat me through. I mean, I'm highly ambitious - since childhood - I wrote my first book; 'The Lovely Cake' at age 10 (dedicated to my love of chocolate cakes) and was scheming and planning (yes actually writing these plans down and physically preparing) for running a library business at age 9 for kids on my road (I had a big book collection)! But I got caught up in everyone else's negativity. And it wasn't until late 2010 at age 30 as I was recovering from an illness and some other personal and family issues that I officially decided and said; 'Nadia - Enough is Enough!' That was it! From this point on I was going to turn things around. And masha'Allah I was already succeeding (two undergrad degrees, two post-grads, masters degree, a successful blog and first business) but I let others negativity eat me up. I realised that THEIR reality was NOT my reality! And THAT was a powerful breakthrough moment for me! Allah says: "But say: "O my Lord! Increase me in knowledge". I got into super focused 150% ExCel Mode and wrote down all that I wanted to achieve - no holds barred! They all wanted to stay stuck in the negativity loop then so be it - but not me - no more. If they were afraid to move on or experience new things - then I couldn't do anything for them. Don't get me wrong - I've tried where I could - but some just don't want to know. I guess they just don't believe in me. But there's many who do - and alhamdulilah for being blessed with them - and it usually takes just one person to believe in us for miracles to happen. So my question to you is; 'Do you want to achieve greatness in your life?' And; 'What's stopping you?' It could be your own negative beliefs and thought patters or it could be others or a combination of both. However, both are very detrimental. But as Jim Rohn responded to people who said why achieve so much he said; 'What else you going to do with your life? You got to stay here til you go! And he's right. So what do you want to do with YOUR life? There's many ways of learning new things - formal education and life education and experience. We all have access to a public library and borrowing books is free. Take a stroll through the library this week insha'Allah. We can all buy the translation of the Qur'an and hadith books - as well as many Islamic literature and masha'Allah many dawah organisations give them to you for free. It was related by Anas b. Malik that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "Seeking knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim." [Sunan Ibn Mâjah (224) and others] Let's not take this lightly. We need to delve into all sciences from law to medicine to poetry to cosmology to Islam to you name it - you choose - you decide! :) We need to become 'Jack of Multiple Trades and Master of All' - just like our Pious Predecessors who achieved greatness in ALL fields. Read about their lives - they have been inspiring and motivating me since age 14! It was the Muslim world who took the Europeans out of the Dark Ages with their inventions and medical/scientific breakthroughs. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "Whoever seeks a way to acquire knowledge Allah will make easy his way to Paradise." [Sahîh Muslim (2699)] And we ALL want paradise! :) Isn't it time you started living your best life and become fearless of what others think? Don't let anybody stop you or tell you that you can't, ok? Right now is the time to take that first step towards positive change and learn from cradle to grave. I invite you to check out today's quick tips and action points and let the learning journey begin - bismillah :) "If money is your hope for independence you will never have it. The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability." Henry Ford Tips and Action Points: 1. Grab pen and paper or your journal. - Write down all your dreams and wishes and all that you want to achieve before you die. - Don't hold back - this is YOUR time to dream! - Choose three things you can start on immediately. 2. Start to read...NOW! - Reading is powerful. Allah says in the Qur'an; 'Read, and your Lord is the most Generous' - Find books that you need to read in the three chosen fields in point 1 above and choose books in other fields that interest you. - Schedule a book-shop and library visit this week in your diaries now. 3. Get online on YouTube and check for 'Personal Development'. - Sign up to those who interest you and listen to their work. I do, every day. - Start developing your own daily personal development. - Make and meet friends who are into making positive changes in their lives. As for those who don't support you - spend less time with them. And finally, remember daily five prayer, daily Qur'an reciting, dua, dhikr - and at each dua ask Allah to purify your ikhlaas (sincerity) and niyyah (intention) and bless you in your time! (That's a gem from my dua session!) :) So your turn now. Comment below and let me know what you're going to do and what's steps you're going to take. Let's inspire and motivate each other on this journey from Cradle to Grave to Jannah and beyond!
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AuthorNadia Leona Yunis Archive