We all have dreams we want to achieve in life.
Call them dreams, goals, intentions - but we each are either growing spiritually and emotionally daily, or we are dying. (Apparently I stopped growing physically at age 14 so I'm stuck at 5ft3!). Our dreams and goals keep us growing - growing and transforming daily into the person we are created to be, to live out our ultimate and unique purpose here in this world. Many times though, our 'plans' don't go as, well, planned! You may even, like me, have many and continuous falls and failures. Failure and success is relative and it's defined how you want to define it. Failure is also a lesson on how not to do something and what steps to take next. Failure is also considered a redirection. We plan, but God is the best of ALL planners. However, as humans, we can easily lose hope. It's our lifetime of conditioning and environment and all that's stuck deep in our subconscious that makes us lose hope. But, if we are still pulled towards that dream, that goal, that intention - then what does it mean? Should you quit or keep going? Are you crazy to keep going? Are you crazy to quit? When we pray and make dua (supplication), listen to the response. It may not always come to us in a dream (as in, when we are asleep) but it may come to us as an instant idea, an epiphany, an ah-ha moment, something we read or hear, or even this feeling deep within. This feeling is like complete peace and you just know. Seriously, you just know, and you smile knowing it's going to work out - at the right time - and exactly the way it's meant to. And you'll know if you're either meant to go for this dream or goal or something else will pop up - something even better - or completely different that you hadn't even imagined or thought of before. Let's remind ourselves of the following words from the Qur'an and then we'll head into our 3 tips. "Be sure We shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods, lives, and the fruits of your toil. But give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere. Those who say, when afflicted with calamity, 'To Allah we belong, and to Him is our return.' They are those on whom descend blessings from their Lord, and mercy. They are the ones who receive guidance." (2:155-157) The verse above simply covers everything we need to know about life and our dreams and goals, and why things happen when they do. It's deep and in-depth in and of it self. Really contemplate and reflect on it and see where it has or is currently applying in your life. You'll discover answers to many of your questions! And, here's 3 tips to help you in your dream/goal achieving journey: 1. Start and End - with your prayers, faith, hope, belief, and connection to God Almighty. Re-read the above verse from Surah Baqarah. Once we truly reflect on this verse, we will know that everything will work out for us. It may not go as we planned, but His plan is the best of all plans. Learn to surrender. So, make your plan, set the intention, take the action(s), and then turn it over to Him (swt). We need full reliance - tawakul - in Him. Admittedly, this is hard for us humans, so that's why we have to continuously try and try and try again and try some more. Read, watch, listen to inspirational and motivational content and learn from mentors and teachers - yes, even online - there's a vast library of information, knowledge, how-to's. Just go to our library archive here on our website or visit our youtube channel - you'll find the inspiration and motivation to help you to keep believing and keep going. 2. Plan and Prepare - take some time out to create your plan for how you're going to achieve your dreams/goals/intentions - plan the practical steps you'll need to take. I know that many personal development teachers say, 'act first' - however, personally, I do my planning on paper, in my notebook, so I can see the structure in front of me and have a map to follow and help me navigate. And then yes, of course, God is the best of all planners - and here is where we'll get tested. So, re-read the verse above and really connect with it deeply. Feel it to the core of your spirit. Here also, reflect and write out why it is you want to achieve this dream or goal - what does it mean to you - your purpose with it - how it'll make you feel when you've achieved it. Take some time with this - it'll help you greatly. 3. Take Action - it's time to take the step towards achieving your dreams and goals now. In this step, we jump right in enthusiastically or have self-doubt and question our sanity, or both. Here is where we go back to step 1 and 2 to help us stay grounded. See how these three steps are interlinked? When we take action, we'll be moving forward or we'll come upon a challenge. We may realise that our plan or the action steps are not quite working. So, what should you do? Go back to step 1 and then adjust step 2. It's the strategy that needs upgrading. You don't have to quit the goal or dream, but re-strategise and try something else. These are the basic 3 steps. I use these too. I'm simplifying my life, and so, I'm keeping it simple with these three steps. So, let me know, in the comments below, which of these steps resonates with you the most? Do you have more steps and inspiration to add for us all here? Are you stuck on any of the steps? Do you need help moving forward? If so, I'm here to help you with a mini one off VIP coaching session (ladies only). Just drop me a message below or contact me via the contact page and let's help you make your dreams and goals a reality now! :) If you enjoyed today's post then do share it. Nadia. PS - here's a Hadith to further inspire and motivate you! Ibn Abbas (May Allah be pleased with them) said: One day, I was riding behind the Prophet (SAWS) when he said, “O boy! I will instruct you in some matters. Be watchful of Allah (Commandments of Allah), He will preserve you. Safeguard His Rights, He will be ever with you. If you beg, beg of Him Alone; and if you need assistance, supplicate to Allah Alone for help. And remember that if all the people gather to benefit you, they will not be able to benefit you except that which Allah had foreordained (for you); and if all of them gather to do harm to you, they will not be able to afflict you with anything other than that which Allah had pre-destined against you. The pens had been lifted and the ink had dried up”. (At-Tirmidhi) [BTW, if we've just met for the very first time right now on this blog post article and you resonate with my words and you want to learn more about me and how I can help you, then I invite you to CLICK HERE to join my 'Inner Circle Tribe' and grab yourself some FREE Masterclass trainings to start learning from me right away. Also, feel free to browse the website for more articles and grab some eBooks whilst you're at it too. If you're already a WBI'er then you're good for now - keep an eye out for the regular emails.]
Recently I've been working this whole 'Let Go & Let God!' concept i.e. whilst keeping full tawakul in Allah and working hard, handing it all over to Him (swt) and asking Him (swt) to do the best and being ready and prepared to accept whatever is sent my way. I have to say i'm in one of my very calm and relaxed modes and allowing whatever to happen, happen. I'm loving it! "Indeed, I have turned my face toward He who created the heavens and the earth, inclining toward truth, and I am not of those who associate others with Allah." {Qur'an; 6:79} You may be hurting right now and it's real painful and no one gets you. I know how that feels as I'm one of those who always had a challenge expressing my feelings - even to friends. Oh and then sometimes you get laughed at or ignored - like your issue ain't no big deal. But it is a big deal to you - I know! And the thing is that social media has become so accessible that we turn to it for minute details and instant comfort. But we know this instant 'comfort' doesn't last. So, what now? You're still hurting and still want answers right? Listen, if you're facing some challenges right now and just want an answer or an opening to something new or just some peace then i say do what i do; 'Let Go & Let God' - for this moment is all we have and this moment could be our last - as when all is said and done, to Him we belong and to Him is our return! 'Those to whom hypocrites said, "Indeed, the people have gathered against you, so fear them." But it [merely] increased them in faith, and they said, "Sufficient for us is Allah , and [He is] the best Disposer of affairs."' {Qur'an; 3:173} I hope this helps and let me know in the comments below what resonated with you the most and how you'll be moving forward with this message now :) You know i'm here to help you insha'Allah. I created this audio program just for you. Masha'Allah many have invested in it and have started to make those positive changes in their life so they can live upon the deen and prepare for their best akhirah now insha'Allah. Grab your audio program 'How to get Instant Soul Therapy & Heart Relief' right here. "And when My servants ask you, [O Muhammad], concerning Me - indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me [by obedience] and believe in Me that they may be [rightly] guided." partial {Qur'an 2; 186} Love, duas and light Nadia - Your Spiritual, Creative and Personal Peak Performance Mentor Coach Ps: If there is one piece of advice which i can give you after studying and practicing personal and spiritual peak performance for the last 20 years then it is this; 'You will always be a daily work in progress and each step will take you closer to your ultimate final destination. Keep the end in mind always!' Take the first step and invest in yourself and grab the audio program; 'How to get Instant Soul Therapy & Heart Relief!' *(Image found on Google and copyright to some Diamond Soul who i have never met - thank you for these words, they really helped. God Bless You!) ...Usually it's when we have 'lost' everything that we find 'God' or understand His value in our life (after all He is our Creator). But I think every moment has something to teach us - something of value - which we can actually apply in our life (usually immediately). This past week I have learned a lot of different lessons. Lesson in humbleness, lessons in asking for and receiving help, lessons of realising who sees my worth and who doesn't. My mission here on planet earth is actually quite simple. My passion in life is to help people creatively find their unique purpose in life and to align it with our ultimate purpose of worshiping God alone (not associating any partners or equals with Him as He (swt) alone is Enough!). I've also learned lesson of those who really do believe in me and are helping me to nurture my gifts, skills, talents and abilities which God has loaned to me so I can do some great stuff for our Ummah, Humanity and all Creation. If someone does not see how you can benefit them or their organisation then it is their loss - let it be - you tried - I tried - let it be now. For when we are completely emptied of everything we realise that God is Enough. We do all for Him alone. To Him we belong and to Him is our return. You continue being you. Ask God to purify your intention and sincerity at each moment and ask Him to bless your time. Just do what you were created to do. It is not about fame or celebrity status - and I think we should all be rich and financially free so we can help those who have nothing. You and I have a lot - alhamdulilah. Once again I have learnt - God is Enough for me! :) |
AuthorNadia Leona Yunis Archive