![]() TaqabbaAllaahu minna wa minkum May Allah swt accept your deeds and mine. On behalf of the entire We Be Inspired family across the globe - have a fabuloso 'Eid Mabrook!' May Allah (swt) bless y'all on this blessed day and your loved ones. My salaam, love and duas to them all!. On this blessed day raise your hands in the sky to make dua for those less fortunate than us and with no family. May Allah's infinite mercy shower upon them, ameen!
![]() The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "There are no days in which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than these ten days." The people asked, "Not even jihad for the sake of Allah?" He said, "Not even jihad for the sake of Allah, except in the case of a man who went out to fight giving himself and his wealth up for the cause, and came back with nothing" [Bukhari] But which 10 days was our beloved RasoolAllah (saw) talking about? The Prophet (SAWS) said: There are no days greater in the sight of Allah and in which righteous deeds are more beloved to Him than these ten days (ten days of Dhu'l-Hijjah), so during this time recite a great deal of Tahleel ("La ilaaha ill-Allaah") ,Takbeer ("Allaahu Akbar") & Tahmeed("Al-hamdu Lillaah"). So say it loudly in the mosque, the home, the street and every place where it is permitted to remember Allah and mention His name out loud, as an act of worship and as a proclamation of the greatness of Allah, may He be exalted. Ok, so its been like what two months already since our guest Ramadan left us? How's your soul doing? High? Medium? Low? Loooooow??? We all go through our ups and downs, highs and lows. Allah knows us - He created us - so He shows us ways in which we can stay on a spiritual high throughout the year. He (swt) gives us short periods - short breaks, I like to call them 'Spiritual Retreats' where we can pick ourselves up again. So here we are in the blessed days of a blessed month Dhul Hijjah - another chance for us to seek forgiveness for our sins, seek mercy from our Rabb and to try fix our broken spirits! (Trust me, I'm so glad I've got this opportunity again, Allahu Akbar - I need spiritual fixing!). YOU with me on this spiritual retreat? Good! Hamdulilah. And if your off for Hajj or already there then can you please make a special dua for our WBI family? JazaakAllah! :) So here's the plan for us insha'Allah. I'll give you the overall plan, but its for you to make your own schedule - because we've all got different daily schedules. I mean normal peoples schedule begins from 9am til 5pm, but someone as abnormal as me my schedule is 5pm til 6am! (Don't ask!). Here's how we can make this the best 10 spiritually high days insha'Allah. Here's our 'Quick Spiritual Fix!' Grab a notepad and pen (ipads/iphones, etc, etc) and switch into Ramadan mode (to do this close your eyes and think of a day in Ramadan where you felt totally at peace and on a spiritual high - when you can feel a tingling throughout your body open your eyes and begin and yes, I can see you smiling!). 1. Obligatory Ibaadah: Are we praying our five daily prayers and praying them on time? Do a prayer check! Check the times of start and end and pray! 2. Qur'an-Time: How much time do we spend each day on Qur'an? Reading it, reciting it, memorizing it, listening to it, understanding and studying the translation. Schedule in time for Qur'an. If we can make a date with the tv and our favourite shows then I'm sure we can make a date with the Qur'an. Start and end the day with the Qur'an 3. The Fast Life: Get into Ramadan mode and fast. Fast the first 9 days including Arafah day (ladies - if you're on an ibaadah break you may not be able to fast and pray salah, but you can do the rest insha'Allah). Fasting on the day of 'Arafah, the Prophet [sall-Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam] said: "Fasting the day of 'Arafah, I hope, will expiate the sins of the year before it and the year to come..." [Muslim] 4. NBN - Nocturnal By Nature Pray the night prayer. Qiyaam, tahajjud, read books, watch lectures, listen to audio reminders, study and recite more Qur'an. If you're going to do an all-nighter then sprinkle a dose of the above insha'Allah. You'll be glad you did! :) 5. Just Dua It! Do you make dua? Allah says; 'Remember me and I shall remember you.' In a hadith qudsi He (swt) also says; '...walk to me and I shall run to you!' Yet most of us are still crawling! Run to Allah!!! You have no where else to go! Make dua, lots and lots. For yourself, family, your pet parrot, the entire Ummah. Raise your hands to the skies and make dua! (No I don't have a mia mithu (parrot) but I do have a cat - Mano). Study the Names and Attributes of Allah and so when you make dua you can call Him with those names (ie asking for rizq, forgiveness - its more powerful when asking by those specific names). Make dua when it rains, when breaking the fast, between asr and maghrib prayer on Friday - on these occasions ones duas are answered. The supplication of every one of you will be granted if he does not get impatient and say (for example): `I supplicated my Rubb but my prayer has not been granted'.'' [Bukhari and Muslim] 6. Dhikr Allah 'Keep the tongue moist with the remembrance of Allah'. Make dhikr constantly. If you're still struggling with vain talk and vulgar language - time to wash the mouth and tongue with dhikr Allah. Try it! Just remind yourself - 'Dhikr and Tasbee'. 7. Charity RasoolAllah (sws) said even a smile is charity but I bet you a camel or a sheep (well it is qurbani season!) that we can give more than a smile. Give a pound to a charity a day. Set up a direct debit to give charity on a deceased loved ones name. Give and you shall receive! All our rizq is a blessing from Allah and He is the true owner of it. We can't take money to our grave - we can't use it as ransom to keep the punishment away! And so if Allah has blessed you with wealth then spend on those who have less than you. Well, that was a long list! But I'm sure we can all do our part insha'Allah. Is there anything else we could add to that list? Let me know insha'Allah. May these blessed days be a true blessing for us all and may Allah (swt) shower - actually, no - may He (swt) send us all a tsunami of barakah and tawfeeq - ameen! Now THAT was YOUR spiritual fix! So, are your high yet? :) Now CLICK HERE to grab your 10 Day Dhul-Hijjah Challenge Box! |
AuthorNadia Leona Yunis Archive