![]() Following from the last post on 'Sabr/Patience' I would like to talk about a powerful verse which if understood deeply will remove 90% of your worries insha'Allah. Firstly it starts with faith and belief - knowing with full conviction that nothing can happen without the Will of Allah for He (swt) says; 'Be! And it Will Be!'. So, whatever afflictions are meant to come your way will come and what is not meant for you won't ever come to you. Now, last week we looked at some powerful verses which served as a fantastic reminder on how to establish and observe patience... Did YOU practice it? Good, good! Following from those verses - praying, persevering, studying all about the One who Created us I have discovered a fundamental link with the verses from last week to today's verse. I discovered it when I was younger because I really needed it at the time to understand why all those things were happening and how I should deal with them. Ever bugged your brain with; 'Why, why, why?!' Like as if you were a 5 year old again? (that's what kids do as that's one of the ways they learn and one of the ways we also learned when we were 5). I did and I read this verse over and over to give me comfort - and it did - but it wasn't until I delved deep into its meaning, asked Allah to guide me to answers and He az wajal enlightened me. I share this enlightenment with you and if you've already clocked it then insha'Allah it will serve as a good reminder {forward this post and SHARE the KHAIR} and if you're screaming; 'Get to the point - tell me what the answer is!' Well - wait no loner - here it is... The verse which gave me comfort and deeper wisdom to comprehend my life and all the issues is... 'Allah does not burden a person beyond its scope' (2:286) 'What?! I already know that!' I hear you say. Walk with me for a moment... How much do you actually understand – I mean when you read or recite that verse what feelings do you get, how does it change your mood, does it even change your mood? ***Reflection Moment*** I want you to take a quick 5 minutes here and have a quick scan of your life and where this verse was applicable. Now I want you to feel what you felt then? You can come back now insha’Allah... Why is it that after reciting the above verse some are affected and change yet some still continue the path of misery and negativity? It’s because we really haven’t understood the verse. 'Allah does not burden a person beyond its scope' (2:286) Did you know that whatever comes to each of us is only just for us and not no one else? Have you been hurt lately? Failed something? Lost something? Did you ask yourself why it was you who went through it and not no one else? It’s because it was meant only for you and Allah gave you what you could already handle! Why would your Creator who created you burden you with something and then leave you? Where is the logic in that at all? He is Al-Rahman Al-Rahim – and He knows that YOU can handle what He gives you! Then why do we sometimes fall hard and break into pieces? Simple – because of our reaction! We react in the wrong way. Instead of thinking; ‘I can handle this as Allah gave it to me and He knows I can handle it’; we react negatively and say and do all the wrong things. Now that is not to say that you can’t have a quick ‘Pity-Party’ – you can, we are all human, we all have emotions and we all need to deal with our emotions. But when this Pity-Party goes on for a while – and I mean a long while – then there’s trouble! Instead of feeling sorry for ourselves we need to pick ourselves up and look for creative ways to solve any issues. If it’s an illness then it is a purification and honestly (I’ve had a long history of illnesses!) I rather be purified here on planet Earth than my grave or the hell-fire in the hereafter – because fire burns and it’s not a nice feeling at all! Become the alchemist of your own life. Don’t search around for answers here and there because all the answers to all your questions lie within you. Reconnect with your soul and listen to it. 'Allah does not burden a person beyond its scope' (2:286) If you react negatively you do more harm than good. Again, I want to emphasise that short outbursts of being hurt and crying are ok. But do not let it prolong for the devil will mess with your brain and encourage you in your pity-party! Know and be reassured that whatever happens and whatever burden Allah (swt) lays on your shoulders you can handle it. Because if you couldn’t then it wouldn’t have come your way. Some people may find this post somewhat harsh or insensitive – because it does seem that all those angry, sad moments where a waste of time and; ‘Oh you don’t understand my situation or problem!’ and yes well that is true because we can only ever understand our own situation because we are not dealing with someone else’s issues - we are not walking in each others shoes, only our own. I will never truly feel what you feel when you go through something and vice versa but know that change can only happen if YOU allow it to happen and your mood can only change if YOU allow it change and you can only find answers when YOU allow yourself to find answers. You can handle whatever comes your way – because Allah knows you can – that’s why He gave them to you. Some things may take a while to sort out – and only you and Allah know your situation – but know that they will be sorted out insha’Allah. Start today – start now and start fixing your reactions to the things that happen to you. Honestly you will see a major difference. 'Allah does not burden a person beyond its scope' (2:286) – and YOU can handle it because Allah knows that YOU can handle it. You are responsible for your reactions so please chose your reactions wisely insha’Allah. You only have one life in this world – don’t waste it by choosing the wrong reactions! Re-read the verses from the last blog on patience and really delve deeply into this verse. So, next time YOUR shoulders are burdened how will YOU react? Let me know insha’Allah and may Allah (swt) make all your trials and tests easy for you – ameen! :)
AuthorNadia Leona Yunis Archive