![]() I pray all is well with you and your family. I sent out an email to my inner-circle tribe over the weekend and it was appreciated by many, so, I decided to post it as a blog post article. The recent virus pandemic affects us all - one way or another - so I wanted to do my part to help inspire and motivate you to stay in the energy of hope. You know our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said in a Hadith that when one part of the body hurts, the whole body is in pain. This is for the believers and those in the fold of Islam. This also applies to our family in humanity. We all come from the one same God and so we hurt when our sisters and brothers in humanity hurt. Sometimes, we are alone in our specific pain or illness - however, currently, we are in this together. I want to let you know that I'm here for you and should you need to speak with me then I'm just an email away. Reach out OK, I'm here. I also want to speak about a few things - I will keep it brief and in point form. I want to share what I'm doing to help myself and my family. I've personally had quite a few health challenges over the last few years and in late November last year onwards I had a pretty bad cold/flu/cough/chest phlegm. I had to have chest x-rays and praise be to God all is well. However, the energy dropped a lot, especially with the fever, and I was indoors resting and healing. So, I hope and pray the below inspires and motivates you to take practical and calm steps too and brings hope in your life in these uncertain times. Here goes; 1. Tie the camel and trust in God - this is part of our faith in all that we do as Muslims. Plan, and remember, God is the best of all planners. I've put a plan in place as I have elderly parents with various health challenges and I'm a mother to two cats. Get the family involved in the plans - keep them informed - again, as I have elderly parents, I have to take the lead here. 2. I've got the essential items I need for myself, my family, my cats. Stock up on what you need and think of others too. Share - as someone else needs the essential items too. We really are in this together on this one! 3. Check news updates at least once daily to see if there are new steps to follow and follow them (my dad goes to mosque to pray in congregation and so knowing updates about this has helped). 4. The basics which we should all be doing always is washing our hands with soap and water or with hand sanitiser and keep wipes to clean door handles and surfaces and floors (I'm a clean freak - mild ocd on that one!). 5. Check your bills and anything that needs to go out on a monthly basis - don't get a surprise later! 6. If you need medicine then get that sorted. I know my parents have repeat prescriptions and I've found out that we can do them online (even I learn something new everyday!). 7. Ramadan is also coming up so keep that in mind when stocking up for food - again, the basics and essentials. 8. Keep in contact with family, friends, neighbours - especially the elderly and vulnerable. I'm the Co-ordinator for our Neighbourhood Watch (I set it up after our incident) for our road and so I make sure to send out updates and it's my duty to make sure our neighbours are OK during this time. Be part of a community - online or offline - so you have somewhere to turn to for help and support and please be that help and support for someone too - they too will be scared and need advice and reassurance. 9. Tie up loose ends where you need to - I'll be doing that this coming week, as if there is a lockdown then it won't get done. 10. Stay calm, pray, turn to God, and know that this too shall come to pass. Faith, belief, trust, prayer - these help put everything into perspective - from our purpose of existence to our personal challenges to global pandemics. (If you need more help on this then just browse our blog library archive and you'll find many articles to help you). 11. Work your mindset! Obviously there's a lot of negative news and information out there - please try not to get caught up in online social media battles or scare mongering - just follow official government updates. Limit your online activity where possible - and it is possible - it requires discipline - and remember, there once was a life before the internet - it's still there - it's time to reconnect with it (and reconnect with family and friends?). Whatever we tell our mind continuously, it will believe, and it will come to pass. Last night, whilst I was lying in bed, I knew that I had to turn things around for me. I've been on this mindset path for some time now so I know the patterns. I told myself that, whilst following the above steps, I was going to help myself through this (as I mentioned, I had been very ill back in November and December with cough/cold/flu/chest phlegm. it was BAD!). I want to live a healthy and healed life so I said to myself that every time the word 'covid-19' popped in my head, I was going to counter it with 'Healed-786'. Sounds crazy? That I am! Lol. Because I know that what we repeat comes to pass and becomes part of our world, I want to remain positive in all this. So by saying 'Healed-786' what I'm saying to my mind and brain and body and cells is that, I'm healthy and healed and this will pass on bye. I'm visualising pure golden and white light entering my body and cells and all my cells jumping with joy and happiness and spreading healing throughout - and I'm asking God for His help and healing. It takes a while to get used to saying this (as with all new changes) but its working out good. Try it - you've got nothing to lose. Many illnesses and dis-eases are from our mindset and how we live our lives - from the food we eat, the environment we live in, the thoughts we entertain, the people we surround ourselves with, the words we speak to ourselves and others. Yes, we all must leave this planet one day - however, there is a lot we can do to help ourselves and minimise and even reduce our aches and pains. This is also a long topic in and of itself and I won't cover it here - just go back to the 11 steps above for now and work on them. Some of you reading this will already be in a country which is lock-downed, I'm sending positive vibes and prayers of health and healing for you all. Please do keep me and my family in your prayers. Remember to stay positive - stay in the energy of hope - stay Healed-786! Let me know in the comments below how you're planning and preparing and how else I can help you through these uncertain times. And finally, for now, let's turn to God, before we return to God. Nadia. [BTW, if we've just met for the very first time right now on this blog post article and you resonate with my words and you want to learn more about me and how I can help you, then I invite you to CLICK HERE to join my 'Inner Circle Tribe' and grab yourself some FREE Masterclass trainings to start learning from me right away. They'll really help you during these tough times. If you're a regular WBI'er then you're good for now - keep an eye out for the regular emails.]
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![]() ...To live a successful, productive, powerful, energetic, fulfilled and spiritual life you have to 'Be Your Authentic Self.' ***What does this mean?*** It means being who you were created to be. It means your soul being happy in your body. It means accepting your flaws and shortcomings and working to better yourself. It means celebrating your strengths and achievements. It means having an 'Attitude of Gratitude' - thanking Allah (swt) at every point and really truly appreciating from within - from the soul. And when your Lord proclaimed: “If you give thanks , I will give you more, but if you are thankless, verily! My Punishment is indeed severe.” [Surah Ibrahim 14:7 - partial] ***But what if the 'Authentic Me' is not so good?*** Simple - you work on yourself, daily! Everyday we work on ourselves to make ourselves better - there is no such thing as perfect but YOU are the perfect YOU and there is only one of you - so nurture the YOU. 'You say that you are just a body but inside of you is something greater than the universe!' Imaan Shafi You were put in this world as a unique being so celebrate that and allow yourself to grow, learn, develop, mature and enjoy the one life you have in this world. If you spend a life time of trying to be like someone else then you are only harming yourself as you will never be happy or fulfilled in any area of your life. Don't compare your life to anyone else - as each one of us has a unique journey and we are all travelling upon different roads. When you are not the authentic you then you are being one way to one person and another way to someone else - a bit like lying - and we know that lying ultimately hurts only us. So go ahead, make a vow today to start being the authentic you and working on your daily self-development - at least 30 minutes each day. When you are being your authentic self then all the doors of opportunities will open up to you, you will make a greater impact in the world and you will be the complete person that you were created to be. Today's Tips & Action Points: 1. Grab your pen and notebook/journal and write down who you are, who you have been up until now and who you want to be from this moment onward. 2. Schedule in at least 30 minutes a day (to start with) to read up on personal development material (or go through our previous blog posts) and start to put those teachings into practice. 3. What is your unique purpose in this world and what will you do to make this world a better place? Now go work it! :) I think this following dua is beautiful. On the coming of dawn the The Messenger of God (may peace be upon him) used to say in his prayers: "O Allah (God), illuminate my heart with light, and my eyes with light and my ears with light and let there be light on my right and light on my left. Let there be light above me and light below me, let there be light in front of me and light behind me. O Allah, make me a light" Leave me a comment below and let me know what message you took away from this post and let's become an active community here who help to inspire and motivate each other towards goodness insha'Allah! :) ![]() Can you fly with a broken wing? What if both wings are broken? Would you give up? Of course you wouldn't - you're a WBI'er and WBI'ers NEVER give up! :) For those with broken wings - (ask a bird or a plane, they would tell you if they could speak ) - they know how difficult it is to maintain a balance. Similarly (by the way, I have issues saying this word) in life we need two wings to keep us balanced and steadfast. What are these two wings that can keep us balanced? They are; 'Hope' and 'Action'. Today I will talk about the importance of both hope and action and how they are two wings which make our flight in life easier. We can have a smooth landing each time insha'Allah :) Hope and Action - are two wings to 'achieving' or 'doing something'. However most the time we think we're doing or achieving but in fact we are 'wishful hoping'. See, wishful hoping (and thinking) won't get the job done - and unfortunately most the time all we are doing is wishful hoping and thinking; 'I would like to lose weight', 'I would like to start a business or enterprise', 'I would like to travel'. And what are the results? You got it! Nada! Nothing happens. Its like magically we say it and it'll happen. But 'hope' couple with firm faith/belief will ignite the fire inside of us and bring 'action' - which brings change - which brings results. (Read that paragraph again. Now memorise it.) Faith and belief in what? Faith and belief firstly in God Almighty - the Creator of the heavens and the earth - and the Creator of you and I - that when He (swt) says 'Be' it will! Nothing can happen without the will of Allah. The pen has been lifted and the ink has run dry. So it was written so it shall be done. What is meant to come our way by destiny will reach us no matter what and what isn't meant to be for us won't come for us (trust me you'll be happy when it didn't because God was saving you from something not good). "And never give up hope of Allah's soothing Mercy: Truly no one despairs of Allah's soothing Mercy except those who have no faith." {12:87} When you have firm faith and belief in Allah (swt) you'll always be hopeful no matter what. You'll always find a way. Even if you cry for a couple of days, scream or shout, you'll eventually find a way. Why? Because your faith in your Rabb is strong. You just know deep inside that it'll be ok. And when your faith and belief in your Rabb is strong you'll have faith and belief in yourself. You'll believe that you can achieve and you'll be hopeful of it. You'll find ways of making it happen. Even if the whole world turns against you, you know you can do it because you know God has faith in you! :) These are internal states. Or one set of the wings. But the next set of wings is external - 'action'. Once we have firm faith and belief and are hopeful we can achieve we have to get up and 'Just Do It!'. Its really as simple as that, because as I said earlier its not magically gona happen. Because your internal state is so strong and your wing is flapping away its only inevitable that the next wing will get into motion. Its caused a reaction. You'll do what you physically have to do to get it done (whatever it is that you need to get done). What if you had all the action - you did, did and did - but you weren't hopeful that you'd achieve? Well you'd lose passion and patience, you'd lose momentum and you'd give up. You would feel that you've done so much but you're not seeing or feeling the results so what's the point?! Any of you ever been there? What if we have hope and don't act? I mean we just hope for the best...hope it will happen...hope we will pass an exam...but we don't actually prepare for the exam? Its not gona happen! Anas (radi Allahu anhu) reported that a person asked Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam), "Should I tie my camel and have Tawakkul (trust in Allah for her protection) or should I leave her untied and have Tawakkul." Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) replied, "Tie her and have Tawakkul." [Hadith At-Tirmidhi] And what if we don't have hope and don't act? We're the living dead then! What a waste! So the question is are your wings broken? Or just rusty? Or working just fine? "The only recognisable feature of hope is action." Grace Paley Today's tips and action points will help you polish those wings up and mend them if they are broken insha'Allah :) Tips and Action Points: 1. Read two rakahs just before you're about to do the exercise. Really focus and connect with Allah. Tell Him everything. Make dua for guidance and help. Set the intention insha'Allah. 2. Get Clarity - what is it that you want to achieve - whether that's in your ibaadah (worship) or your studies/work/biz/life/health - really get down to it - grab a pen and paper and write your heart out - what do YOU want? 3. Now when you've got what you want (written down) - what options do you have? What resources are available to you to do what you said you wanted to do (or achieve)? 4. What are the three things you will do NOW? List those three things in bright colours and Just Do Them - NOW! :) If you have an ibaadah or life goal you want to achieve and you're looking for greater clarity and need a sounding board for your ideas then now is your time to hop on board for our next intake of the 6 week one2one intensive 'Coaching, Mentoring and Healing' package. As a 'Spiritual and Creative Mentor/Coach' I help and guide you through your ibaadah and business (or life) goals, clear any blockages (such as fear, low confidence etc) and help you create a strategic workable plan to make your dreams a reality insha'Allah. To apply for our April 2013 packages click here http://www.webeinspired.com/coaching-mentoring--energy-healing.html Remember if you want to achieve your dreams - both deen and duniya - then you need to polish up both wings and make sure they are working in unison - Hope and Action! :) |
AuthorNadia Leona Yunis Archive