![]() How do we spend most of our days? Do we consciously go through the day knowing what we are doing or do we just ‘flow’ through the day on auto-pilot? Maybe you’re half and half – half on auto and half conscious? And, so, the question is – what about the other half? We are so consumed in our day to day and our ‘to-do’ list that most the time we just go through the day and reach nightfall and not actually realise how we got there. A bit like driving a car or brushing our teeth. They become second nature and so we just do them! We are not fully aware of what we are doing – we are not really ‘in the moment.’ We go out for a walk to ‘clear our mind’ but because we have too much on our mind jumping up and down we forget to take in all the scenery whilst we’re out for a walk. Ever been to the park for a walk and then you look back and realise you didn’t even notice the trees, the flowers, and the people? That’s when we are not aware and not in the moment. So, what is awareness? Awareness is the state or ability to perceive, to feel, or to be conscious of events, objects, or sensory patterns. We always talk about not having enough time, always have too much on our mind, so many issues, too much going on, one thing doesn't end and another starts… All this can seriously affect our health and also we lose the precious moment – the moment which we can look back on with a sense of contentment. This moment right now! Are you aware and in the moment whilst you are reading this? Because if you are truly in the moment right now then you will start to realise the questions I have asked you and you will start to automatically answer those questions and you’ll be saying; ‘Oh yeah…’ in your head. Being aware of ourselves is very powerful. Awareness - being conscious, being aware – it’s the first step towards making some changes you want to make and it really eases that heavy load/burden off your soul - just by consciously deciding to make change you'll fire up to all things possible - as they truly are possible! It’s about being in the moment - having full focus, giving someone full attention. Giving you attention! If we don’t realise that we have made some wrong choices or decisions in our life then how can we begin to make amends? How can we begin to change? Everyone of us – and yes you included – have gone through a time when we complained about something and nothing seemed to change for the better until we suddenly had an ‘ah-ha’ moment or a sudden ‘breakthrough’. We realised that it was up to us to do something [insert whatever that was] and our situation would change – for the better. Allah (swt) says in the Qur’an; "Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change it themselves (with their own souls)." [Quran 13:11] Even Allah – our Creator – is telling us to become aware of ourselves, our situations and to take that first step and then He (swt) will help us. It’s hard – I know – everything in life is hard – before you try it – but try it and see the difference it’ll make. Become more aware of your surroundings – your moments – your time – become more aware of your soul. You are a spiritual being – you are a soul and have a body. We all take care of our body but amazingly we all seem to fail when it comes to taking care of our soul. If we look deep within us we have all the answers to all our questions. We need to become alchemists of our own life. We need to start trusting our intuition – our gut. We need to start trusting Allah more – because if we do then He (swt) will insha’Allah guide us to all the answers. We waste so much precious time looking here and there for answers and then we feel even more discontent and even unhappy. I mean, we were created happy – so, then, what happened? We allowed ‘things’ to get in the way and that just messed us up. We are all responsible for our lives and there will come a day when we will be accountable for everything we have done and everything we do. We can’t come on that Day with an excuse of; ‘I didn’t know’ or ‘I wasn’t aware’. It won’t help us then. It’s not helping us now. So let’s take this moment – you and I – and make a promise to become more aware of ourselves and our lives – so we can get rid of the unnecessary clutter and be content. Here are some quick tips: 1. Spend at least 15 minutes each day in quiet contemplation. No, not whilst you’re multi-tasking a billion things but just you and Allah and that’s it. Listen to the silence. In these 15 minutes do some dhikr or tasbee to help you focus. Try this after fajr or after isha or both. Listening to silence is extremely powerful! 2. Read up on ‘Purification of the Heart and Soul’ topics – to find out how our pious predecessors really got to know their inner core. They have left us with vast treasures and oceans of knowledge in this area. And we need it so much more today than they ever did back then. 3. By following the above two steps you will be able to question yourself on what makes you truly happy, what brings your down, what is it that you’re yearning, what is it that you’re trying to achieve – these types of questions can really take us to our core and help us understand ourselves – help us become aware of ourselves. So don’t be afraid of that internal dialogue – I mean, c’mon, it’s always chatting away in the background anyway – so how about we put it to some real use. 4. As a Spiritual and Creative Mentor/Coach I can help you unlock some of your deepest fears and help you towards self-awareness. To book a *FREE* 30 minute session email [email protected] (or use the booking form on the website). ....From this moment onwards make a conscious decision to become more aware of whom you are. You have only one life here on planet Earth. Isn’t it time you lived it with some awareness? |
AuthorNadia Leona Yunis Archive