...Or does it make you more impatient? Well, we have been hearing all our lives that patience is a virtue! Is it true though? And has it worked for YOU? Has patience become a virtue for you or made you even more impatient? We live crazy lives where we want things instantaneously and if we have to wait more than a minute we get itchy feet! Everything in life needs patience - for its through patience we learn lives greatest lessons and comprehend the deepest of wisdom's. Everyone has been tested during their lifetime - from all the great Prophets to normal lay people - and you and I. Maybe you are being tested right now and you require patience? Take comfort that your Creator has knowledge of ALL affairs and knows what is best for you. I mean after all - wouldn't you want the best and be saved from the rest? (The rest which is not good for you at all). I know we are human and we slip; 'To err is to human and to forgive Divine' - but we shouldn't make this an excuse - a reason for us not to exercise patience. We may now live in a culture of; 'I want and I want now!' - but in all honestly this just makes us horrible people - and Allah (swt) created the Ummah of RasoolAllah (saw) as the best. Allah (swt) asks us to exercise patience, perseverance and prayer. "And seek help through patience and prayer, and indeed, it is difficult except for the humbly submissive [to Allah] ." (2:45) In another verse... "O you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with the patient." (2:153) Also... "And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient. Who, when disaster strikes them, say, "Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return." Those are the ones upon whom are blessings from their Lord and mercy. And it is those who are the [rightly] guided." (2:155-157) As well as... "O you who have believed, persevere and endure and remain stationed and fear Allah that you may be successful." (3:200) And what was said to our beloved Prophet?... "And be patient, [O Muhammad], and your patience is not but through Allah." (11:115) Yes these verses are very inspiring and have much to teach us but again we are human and something may happen that brings you down. I mean you may be so patient and enduring your suffering with a smile when along come the naysayers and bust your happy bubble. Ever happened to you? Yes, has happened to me - more than once! So what to do to implement the verses above - have them imprinted and embedded on our souls and endure our 'sufferings' with patience? Follow the following insha'Allah... Action Points & Tips: 1. Re-read and study the verses above - really and truly reflect on what they are saying and look at your situation - where can you implement them and if you don't what do you think would happen? 2. Ibaadah - perfect your worship. We are all students of knowledge, we will all fall and we will all need to pick ourselves up - remain humble and remind yourselves that Allah will be there to pick you up - if you mess up - return to Allah, do tauba and fix up. 3. Create a support network - not an entire block of sisters and brothers - although that would be a good practice and we should be there for each other - but your friends - even if it is just one friend - what is that friend like? If it's a friend who has always been there for you and will always give you a good word then hold on to them and reciprocate it - if they are there for you then be there for them. Hold on tight to Allah's true ones - they are rare, like diamonds, but you have to search them and when you find them hold on - as these friends will help you implement the patience verses and help you put them to practice. 4. Learn about Allah - His Names and His Attributes - what does Allah love? What does He hate? What does He want from us? How can we please Him? Yes, He is our Creator but He is also our best friend - because he who has no one has Allah and he who has Allah has everything. Know that whatever Allah is doing for you is the best - have you been injured - don't worry, it's a purification...has your marriage come to an end - don't worry Allah has saved you from any evil...has your business dropped in sales, don't worry try something different... 5. Know and recognize that this life is temporary and each moment is our only moment - the suffering we face now is much lighter than any suffering in the grave or hell-fire and may Allah (swt) save us from the torments of both - ameen! 6. Have you missed an all important chat with Allah? Well now's your chance to catch up on it and fix your ways - He has given you this 'time-out' to reconnect with Him So? What YOU waiting for? Give Allah a call because He is waiting for YOUR call! :) I love to hear your feedback so drop me a quick email on [email protected]
AuthorNadia Leona Yunis Archive