...And insha'Allah I shall increase it to 12 months & beyond! Want in? Open to everyone and yes YOU too. So, we all have our strengths and weaknesses and my weakness is that I can sometimes get caught up in my own head with my own cute lil story. I've had 4 decades of mindset challenges where alhamdulilah I have achieved a lot yet I can easily sabotage it with my negative thinking (usually happens when it's lady time and only a lady will understand that one!). This self-sabotaging can easily mess me up in all areas of my life that I've worked so hard to achieve and most of my negative thinking isn't real anyway at all - it's comfort zone comfort! For the last two years I've really worked even harder on this and have had a lot of spiritual awakenings as of it too - and accepting who I am even more (highly intuitive soul with psychic abilities for instance - there i came out and said it!). So, I'm challenging myself - and if you know me by now then you know I really do challenge myself big time - to drop all negative thinking from my system and to re-write my subconscious for goodness and positivity insha'Allah. This doesn't mean that incidents won't happen - they will - and alhamdulilah I'm blessed to deal with them strongly - but then the negative thought pattern kicks in - i 'suffer' from delayed reactions which means i'm brave in the moment for myself and my loved ones then i run away and cry under the covers where only God can see and hear my tears. I've been working harder on my mindset since November last year and now I have set myself this challenge and so far alhamdulilah. Really, I don't have anything to be ungrateful for (and neither do you) and if I'm really going to help all those who need my help and run a successful biz and have a successful life upon then deen then bismillah and let's do this! You in? I know it's a challenge and we need a lot of self-discipline but I know with God's mercy and help we can do it now! "Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves." Partial {Qur'an; 13:11} It's time to get out of our own head and get out of our way and shine our light to become an asset to our Ummah and humanity. “Verily, Allah has prescribed excellence in all things." Partial; Hadith Muslim Nadia - Your Spiritual, Creative & Personal Peak Performance Mentor Coach
Are YOU feeling stuck right now and emotionally drained? Wondering why your Imaan is so low as Ramadan was just a few months ago?? Want to get that Ramadan Last 10 feeling back and recharge your imaan??? Then click here as 'The 10-Day Challenge' is for YOU! :) Ready to join me for the challenge now? |
AuthorNadia Leona Yunis Archive