![]() Happy Monday! So, you know how my brain is always working non-stop right? And you know how i'm always coming up with new ideas and brands right?? And you know how i just want to help you make positive changes in your life, live upon the deen and prepare for you best akhirah, right??? Ok, well, I've just launched a new private group on facebook and i'm now taking applicants and enrollment is open for UK & Global! :D Click here to join; 'Nadia's Diamond Entrepreneur Academy'. Make sure you bring pen and paper or your smartphones or online devices. We're already on lesson 4! I know, i'm such a geeky-nerd. My family call me nerd-brain and my friends call me a learning-machine lol! Anyways, see you inside the Diamond Academy now :)
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![]() ...You know something...God is always helping us. It's just that we get too busy and comfy in our own little bubble that we don't realise He is helping us. I mean, even waking up alive is from Him alone. Once we develop self-awareness we start making those positive changes. We have to take the first step now. But sometimes we need a helping hand. We need someone who understand us and can help us - show us some opportunities that we may have overlooked. As humans we can get so caught up and wrapped up in our emotions that we lose sight of what is ahead of us - opportunities! I know they say that when one door closes another opens. But I think that in the grand scheme of things all doors of opportunities are always in front of us - we just get caught up in the shiny object syndrome or obsessed with one idea and forget the other doors even exist. You feel me on this? God is always ready to hep us - always. And as soon as we are ready to take the first step He (swt) will do the rest and I know that you've already experienced this in life :) If you're ready to take that first step right now then I invite you to explore a new business opportunity which I joined and now recruiting a team. Start the week on a positive note - Bismillah-ExCel! • Are YOU a stay-at-home or single mum with young kids struggling to pay for bills and put food on the table? • Are YOU a student who wants to be in control of your student fees and finances and make an extra income? • Are YOU someone sick of your job and want to take on your next challenge now? Then YOU could be the one for my awesome new team! YOU MUST BE... • Highly positive, open to explore, coachable and ready to make a difference • Age 18+ • UK & Global, female/male You must be wondering why I started a new biz when I already have countless brands and why this post is called 'For My Parents'. Well this new biz is for my parents.... I have elderly parents who have given me everything and I failed in my promises to give them what they deserve. Now enough is enough. I will be responsible with my time and energy and will work hard to provide for them. And I want to share this opportunity with you now and show YOU how you can do it too insha'Allah. This is NOT a get rich scheme!!! I'm an entrepreneur - I know the risks of running a business. You put in the hours you will see the results and with Allah by our side we will succeed. Listen, I know it's not easy staying on top of bills and a family to look after. I feel you. I go through this too! My parents deserve a good life - and they have taught me to help others. I live at home with my parents and they are my first teachers. They don't care who you are or where you are from - if you need help - they will help. And you don't want monetary handouts - what will that achieve in the long run? Allah has given you the ability to earn a halaal income - that's what my parents have taught me. This is for them - to ease their burdens in their old age and to pay forward what they have taught me - to help others help themselves! This is my 'WHY' - why do I do what I do? To see my parents have a good life. What is YOUR why? Why do YOU want to earn an extra income or start a business? Set your intention now and make dua for sincerity and then apply to join my 'Diamonds-Are-Forever' Business Coaching & Mentoring Program right now. To apply to join my team email: [email protected] <Subject Line: Business Opportunity> Isn't it time you took responsibility for you and explored this new opportunity now? :) [PS: I have a lot of people contact me to join my team - I need to close down the program so I can focus on those who have applied and joined. So if you are ready to explore then contact right now as this opportunity is open for the next 12 hours only!] |
AuthorNadia Leona Yunis Archive