![]() Ok, so spring is just a little late this year in the UK and we're trying to get out of winter mode so we can enjoy a bit of sun. There's always hope - always! :) Spring is a time for new beginnings. Its one of my favourite times of the year. I love all seasons. They are all important. But I guess spring is special because I was born in spring time :D This time is also a good time to have a bit of a clean - you know, get rid of those winter-blues and clean away the cobwebs and get some bright colours into your day to day - oh and fruits - lots and lots of fruit! Have you done your spring cleaning yet? No? Why not? Get those old clothes into a clothing bank. Clean away the cobwebs. Throw away the unused bric-a-brac and shred those shreddable piles of paper (which you know you don't need!). That's one sure way to get sprung and you'll feel much lighter insha'Allah. But in today's post I want to talk about something we ignore and which needs a constant spring clean - not just spring time (although right now would be great time to start). We know that once we declutter our space it gives us inner calm and peace. Even if you're not a clean freak like me - whenever you do clean up it does give that refreshing breather. Islam teaches us a lot about cleanliness. In fact Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said; "Cleanliness is half of faith." (Hadith Muslim) This is cleanliness of ourselves and our surroundings. "Truly, God loves those who turn unto Him in repentance and loves those who purify themselves." {Qur'an 2:222} But what about the purity of our mind? If cleaning our surrounding gives us such inner peace then what would happen if we cleaned our minds? The thing is we spend so much of our time working on our relationship with everyone else that we ignore the relationship with ourselves. We try to make others happy and are always 'thinking' how we can be the best for them that we ignore how we think about ourselves. It's time to spring clean our thoughts! The way we talk to ourselves at times is as if we are our own enemy. You know, other people probably don't even think of us in a way we think they think about us! This spring time spend some time spring cleaning your thoughts. The reason we have so many thoughts - and usually negative ones - is because we have given it a free ticket of think what you like whenever you like. Instead of wasting our time thinking all the bad stuff we could be reprogramming our sub conscious with all that is good and positive. Of course things happens and we have to deal with them - but to replay that movie in our mind over and over just so we fill up mind space is mind blowing! It can lead to self-sabotage, chronic health issues and even depression. You have the power to control what you think. You've just never done it before and you think you can't. But you can! Has there ever been a time where you prayed and had full khushu - deep concentration of who you were standing in front of and what you were reciting? Yes? Well then yes you can control your thoughts! Check out today's tips and action points insha'Allah because if you want true inner peace then it starts with our thoughts. (Oh and it might just help you get khushu in your salah!) "It's time for a spring cleaning of your thoughts, it's time to stop to just existing it's time to start living." Steve Maraboli Grab your pen and paper! :) Tips and Action Points: 1. Reflection time. Each night before you go to sleep have a 15 minute reflection of the day gone. Did you do what you aimed to? If not why not? Where can you improve? What do you need to be doing? This reflection and journaling (if you want to journal it - its a good idea) will help you realise how you spend your day/time and where you need to make some improvements. Its a start insha'Allah. 2. What issues do you keep repeating? What thoughts keep occurring? What do you need to sort out? If you need to sort it out then take action and sort it out (ie need to speak to someone re issue, resolve a matter at work etc). If it is something which is not part of your life no more then end the movie NOW. That's right - the sooner you put an end to the movie the better for you. 3. The past is history - learn the lessons from it. The future is a mystery - prepare for it. The present is all you have - be in it - in this moment because once this moment is gone its gone. Some therapists also advise putting a rubber band on your wrist and every time you have a negative thought snap the rubber band. It will bring you back to now. If it works for you - it works for you (I kinda find it 'ouch' type!). So here you go - three steps in creating a fresh start in your life - starting with your thoughts - right now insha'Allah. Its all good to declutter in the house and clean up - the peace is beautiful. But remember, the deepest inner peace comes from within. So get sprung this spring to clean up those thoughts insha'Allah. ...Let me know what you're thinking, okay? Lol :)
![]() Have you ever kept a secret from someone (parents, siblings, friends, spouse, authority)? How did it make you feel? Are you keeping a secret right now? How does it make you feel? Do you have that uneasy feeling inside? Like a gazilion butterflies in your tummy flapping their wings away, a sudden hot flush and rush in your body? Yeah we've all been there (yes, me too!) And we've all kept a secret or currently keeping one. But why do we torture ourselves like this and spend day in day out like we're guilty of a crime and too scared to get caught? Because we'll have to come clean and do the time? Why can't we live happily without secrets? Keeping secrets can be psychologically damaging for our soul - seriously! There are two types of secret-keeping. The Good and The Detrimental. When does secret-keeping start? Well, it starts at age 4/5 as we want to keep secrets from our parents - its a type of transition for human beings. You know we as humans are always evolving and each age range signifies a specific growth period within us. In adulthood secrets can become a powerhouse where they start controlling you rather than you controlling them! Secrets could be due to shame, guilt and fear - for whatever has or is happening. Again these are psychological that are torturing us from within and become controlling. Your every move could be determined by the secret. Another type of 'secret- keeping' are those secrets that we keep from ourselves. This means not admitting to ourself why we have such feelings or why we do what we do. It becomes a vicious cycle and it leads to pain and hurt as well as ailments and illnesses. In these instances one would need professional help and one should seek it as its one of the ways forward insha'Allah. Secrets could be kept by children - especially in cases of abuse - and if not dealt with in childhood can lead to self-doubt, low self-esteem and hiding behind a mask for many, many years. It could lead to the abused becoming an abuser. Keeping secrets could be kept by women and men suffering from domestic violence and the fear of others knowing. Again that vicious 'fear-shame-guilt' cycle. This secret-keeping can also be detrimental in all your relationships. Your relationship with Allah, with your loved ones, with your colleagues. Your worship is affected. Your work is affected. You're always uneasy and just can't get those negative thoughts out of your head. It can even make you severely depressed and stuck in further soul-hurting habits or make you bitter and competitive with anyone and everyone. I mean good competition is healthy in healthy bite size doses but competition where you always want to prove others wrong and become aggressive can also have deep, long term effects. On the other hand there is a, what I call, 'good secret'. This is a type of 'trust' between two people or a group of people for something 'good'. Abu Sa'id al-Khudri reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "The worst of people in the sight of Allah on the Day of Rising is a man who goes to his wife or his wife goes to him and then he discloses her secret." [Muslim] From this hadith we can clearly see that if either spouse was to reveal the others secrets then it would destroy their relationship. In this case it is good to keep the others secret - and remember the bond between two of you is sacred. These secrets are an amanah - a trust and we must do our utmost to honour them insha'Allah. As they say if it couldn't stay in your tummy for long and you had to tell someone then that other person will do the same! *Breathe* So we've established that there's different types of secrets and some can be seriously harmful. What do we do about the harmful, detrimental ones and how do we move forward? We have to move forward - we can't stay stuck in this mud forever! Check out today's tips and points. They are meant to be as a 'guidance' and not to be treated as any form of 'legal or medical' advice. In cases where you feel you need professional help then please do so as help is available. Keep reading to find out more... Tips an Action Points: 1. The first thing is to reflect. Are your secrets a 'good' type or the 'detrimental' type? - If good then you know why you kept them - honour them! - If not good and they make you feel scared and threatened then you need to seek professional help insha'Allah. - Try and avoid secret-keeping situations - especially the detrimental ones and if it is safe for you to walk away from them (and you don't feel threatened) then walk away, please! 2. Taqwa - God Consciousness - being aware that God Almighty is watching our every move. If we keep secrets from our ownself then know that He (swt) knows - He (swt) knows what's in the breasts of men. Nothing is hidden from Him! - We have two angels on each of our shoulders recording every word and action. Keep a secret if you will but they are writing away and we will be accountable for them on the Last Day. "And indeed, [appointed] over you are keepers, noble and recording; they know whatever you do" {Al-Infitar; 10-12}. - How do you want to face God on the Last Day? - Are your secrets secretly eating your soul? 3. Get Creative! Depending upon your secret you could always journal about it and then burn it (if it is safe to do so). Or write them on a piece of paper and shred them or throw them away. Its a form of emotional release. - You could forgive the one who hurt your soul. And forgiveness is not to say that you condone their behaviour but a way for you to move forward. Think about it for a moment. They have long moved on and you're still suffering. Why? What purpose does it serve? Do you want to continue like this or finally be happy with you? 4. Its good to talk. If it is any form of abuse (that you're suffering as you read this) then seek professional help. Listen I know its scary but if you stay scared then you're hurting you even more. There's many organisations set up to help you and you can remain anonymous. - If its way past when and its still eating up inside then again seek professional help. There's nothing wrong with speaking to a counsellor. They will help you move forward. Trust me, you owe it to your own soul. 5. Dua - Supplication - to the Creator. He created us and He listens to us. Don't underestimate the power of direct dua to Allah. Talk to Him and He (swt) will help you and show you the light. Things happen in life. This life is a test and God does not burden a soul more than it can handle. There's a lesson to learn from it. The more angry or frustrated you get the more you're hurting yourself. Keep a secret where it is for the good and it is a trust and you know God will be proud of you for it. But where a secret is causing you pain, grief, heartache, illness - please seek professional advice. Why live this life of pain when you can deal with it and finally move forward? Look after yourself. Remember YOU'RE worth it! Oh and don't keep this post a secret - share it because it might just help someone out there insha'Allah :) ![]() Can you fly with a broken wing? What if both wings are broken? Would you give up? Of course you wouldn't - you're a WBI'er and WBI'ers NEVER give up! :) For those with broken wings - (ask a bird or a plane, they would tell you if they could speak ) - they know how difficult it is to maintain a balance. Similarly (by the way, I have issues saying this word) in life we need two wings to keep us balanced and steadfast. What are these two wings that can keep us balanced? They are; 'Hope' and 'Action'. Today I will talk about the importance of both hope and action and how they are two wings which make our flight in life easier. We can have a smooth landing each time insha'Allah :) Hope and Action - are two wings to 'achieving' or 'doing something'. However most the time we think we're doing or achieving but in fact we are 'wishful hoping'. See, wishful hoping (and thinking) won't get the job done - and unfortunately most the time all we are doing is wishful hoping and thinking; 'I would like to lose weight', 'I would like to start a business or enterprise', 'I would like to travel'. And what are the results? You got it! Nada! Nothing happens. Its like magically we say it and it'll happen. But 'hope' couple with firm faith/belief will ignite the fire inside of us and bring 'action' - which brings change - which brings results. (Read that paragraph again. Now memorise it.) Faith and belief in what? Faith and belief firstly in God Almighty - the Creator of the heavens and the earth - and the Creator of you and I - that when He (swt) says 'Be' it will! Nothing can happen without the will of Allah. The pen has been lifted and the ink has run dry. So it was written so it shall be done. What is meant to come our way by destiny will reach us no matter what and what isn't meant to be for us won't come for us (trust me you'll be happy when it didn't because God was saving you from something not good). "And never give up hope of Allah's soothing Mercy: Truly no one despairs of Allah's soothing Mercy except those who have no faith." {12:87} When you have firm faith and belief in Allah (swt) you'll always be hopeful no matter what. You'll always find a way. Even if you cry for a couple of days, scream or shout, you'll eventually find a way. Why? Because your faith in your Rabb is strong. You just know deep inside that it'll be ok. And when your faith and belief in your Rabb is strong you'll have faith and belief in yourself. You'll believe that you can achieve and you'll be hopeful of it. You'll find ways of making it happen. Even if the whole world turns against you, you know you can do it because you know God has faith in you! :) These are internal states. Or one set of the wings. But the next set of wings is external - 'action'. Once we have firm faith and belief and are hopeful we can achieve we have to get up and 'Just Do It!'. Its really as simple as that, because as I said earlier its not magically gona happen. Because your internal state is so strong and your wing is flapping away its only inevitable that the next wing will get into motion. Its caused a reaction. You'll do what you physically have to do to get it done (whatever it is that you need to get done). What if you had all the action - you did, did and did - but you weren't hopeful that you'd achieve? Well you'd lose passion and patience, you'd lose momentum and you'd give up. You would feel that you've done so much but you're not seeing or feeling the results so what's the point?! Any of you ever been there? What if we have hope and don't act? I mean we just hope for the best...hope it will happen...hope we will pass an exam...but we don't actually prepare for the exam? Its not gona happen! Anas (radi Allahu anhu) reported that a person asked Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam), "Should I tie my camel and have Tawakkul (trust in Allah for her protection) or should I leave her untied and have Tawakkul." Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) replied, "Tie her and have Tawakkul." [Hadith At-Tirmidhi] And what if we don't have hope and don't act? We're the living dead then! What a waste! So the question is are your wings broken? Or just rusty? Or working just fine? "The only recognisable feature of hope is action." Grace Paley Today's tips and action points will help you polish those wings up and mend them if they are broken insha'Allah :) Tips and Action Points: 1. Read two rakahs just before you're about to do the exercise. Really focus and connect with Allah. Tell Him everything. Make dua for guidance and help. Set the intention insha'Allah. 2. Get Clarity - what is it that you want to achieve - whether that's in your ibaadah (worship) or your studies/work/biz/life/health - really get down to it - grab a pen and paper and write your heart out - what do YOU want? 3. Now when you've got what you want (written down) - what options do you have? What resources are available to you to do what you said you wanted to do (or achieve)? 4. What are the three things you will do NOW? List those three things in bright colours and Just Do Them - NOW! :) If you have an ibaadah or life goal you want to achieve and you're looking for greater clarity and need a sounding board for your ideas then now is your time to hop on board for our next intake of the 6 week one2one intensive 'Coaching, Mentoring and Healing' package. As a 'Spiritual and Creative Mentor/Coach' I help and guide you through your ibaadah and business (or life) goals, clear any blockages (such as fear, low confidence etc) and help you create a strategic workable plan to make your dreams a reality insha'Allah. To apply for our April 2013 packages click here http://www.webeinspired.com/coaching-mentoring--energy-healing.html Remember if you want to achieve your dreams - both deen and duniya - then you need to polish up both wings and make sure they are working in unison - Hope and Action! :) |
AuthorNadia Leona Yunis Archive