![]() I talk and post personal and spiritual development stuff for y'all and I actually work on mine daily too - i'm a work in progress just like you :) So in the essence of my daily development I have just accepted the '10 Day Mental Challenge' (whilst reading Tony Robbins book 'Re-Awaken the Giant Within') to be committed to putting myself and keeping myself in a passionately positive state, no matter what happens. This is a 'Mental-Diet-Detox'! Welcome to the Challenge. So, here are 10 steps how we will go on our 'Mental-Detox-Diet'. Ready to accept this challenge? Awesome, keep reading! :) The 10 Steps to a Mental-Detox-Diet: 1. Grab a journal or pen/pencil or your online device - this is going to be our friend for the next 10 days. We will write our thoughts, our challenges and our reflection moments. Write empowering statements for yourself as well as positive 'how-to' questions. 2. Go easy on Social media - OK, so I would say 'Go on a 10 day social media fast' however, we are in this together and I need to use social media for the next 10 days to keep up to date with this post, facebook updates on the pages as well as twitter, linkedin, blogpost and pinterest (yup, i'm everywhere!) and an upcoming eBook. So I need to use social media in the next 10 days. If you want to go on a social media fast then go for it - otherwise minimise your usage and replace it with article or book reading. 3. Grab your mus'haf (copy of the Qur'an) and read, recite, memorise and study the tafsir. Think about it, you're making a head start for Ramadan right now - how awesome is that? :) 4. Read inspirational and motivational articles, books, eBooks - write your reflections and lesson you learn in your journal. This will keep you going for the next 10 days. Better still, start your own online blog and write daily reflection pieces from this challenge. You'll be learning lots yourself and inspiring others too! 5. Watch those thoughts! Monitor them. Control them and yes you can! As soon as you get that depressing thought - snap yourself out of it. There are no excuses here. We have full control over our thoughts - we 'think' we don't. If i ask you now; 'What is your next thought?' What is your answer? Exactly! You didn't have a thought did you? So this is powerful. Control your thoughts! And if you need help then grab an rubber band, wear it on your wrist and every time you get a negative thought snap the rubber band! 6. Move your body! Get up and exercise. Change your state by changing your physiology. When we are confident and optimistic see how are body posture changes. And when we are negative, we slouch, close up, blocking our heart and breathing. Right now sit up or stand up straight, drop your shoulders, back straight, take a deep breath in - hold, breathe out and smile. See? 7. Get involved in a community project or volunteer for an organisation. It'll teach you new skills and you'll be able to use your existing skills. You'll also feel happier by giving and helping others - it really puts our own life into perspective and how blessed we are, subhan'Allah! Help those who need our help insha'Allah. 8. Finish off outstanding project - it will give you a sense of achievement and a clearing to begin new stuff. I'm doing this! Do this now! 9. Speak to yourself lovingly. I mean honestly sometimes we should hear ourselves - would we talk to our best friend like that? No way! We wouldn't have any friends left! Look in the mirror daily for 5 minutes. This may be a challenge at first - but hey we are on a challenge right? Hold your gaze and speak lovingly to yourself. Tell yourself you love you. Tell yourself of your achievements and what you want to achieve. Be grateful for all your blessings and thank God for them. 10. Take a break from friends and family and the phone. No, not the whole 10 days but for 1 hour every single day. Can you tear yourself away from your phone for one hour? Yes you can! Spend this time in reflection. Jot down your thoughts in your journal. Do some dhikr or tasbee and ponder on the creation. Reflect on your life - where you are, where you want to be and how you will get there. If you come up with any challenges in the next 10 days - and you will - so will I, then instead of the usual; 'Why me!' or 'What now' or any other form of negative self-talk, turn it around. Start asking better questions. The better questions you ask the better solutions you'll come up with. So ask; 'What can I learn from this now?' or 'How can I see this differently?' or 'What can I do to make this better?' or 'How can I approach this from a different angle' etc. Try it - it's powerful! That's our step by step plan. Who's going to join me on this challenge now? Let's do this! Comment below and let me know if you are in and if you will be adding any more steps to this and remember to {SHARE the KHAIR} :) Bismillah-ExCel!
AuthorNadia Leona Yunis Archive