So in the last post we talked extensively about the heart and I guess its only fair we talk about the mind, right? :) The thing is that there is the brain and then there is the mind and since I'm not from the medical background and neither am I'm from the scholarly background nor a philosopher (although I study the Islamic Sciences and practise Alternative Medicine and have recently studied 'Introduction to Philosophy') I'm going to do what a lawyer does best (yes I'm a Legal Eagle - well a Paralegal to be precise) present facts from extensive research and study! Lol The Prophet (pbuh) said; "Take advantage of five matters before five other matters: your youth, before you become old; and your health, before you fall sick; and your richness, before you become poor; and your free time before you become busy; and your life, before your death." [al-Hakim] In this hadith the Prophet (pbuh) points out that we need to take care of our health before we fall sick. And we know that its when we fall sick - or extensively sick - that we start to appreciate life. As part of our health care we need to look after our brain AND mind. You know the big thing on top of our head - yup, that's the brain! So here's a quick biology lesson. The brain is the centre of the nervous system and its function is to exert centralised control over the other organs of the body. If we wanted to stick our tongue out to someone (which we shouldn't do!) what happens? Well yes you're right - the other person is not too happy and we'll be in trouble - but there's also another answer! Our body sends signals to our brain, which then sends signals back to our body telling it what to do. And this all happens in just a split second. Wow! Our brain is a very complicated organ (and they say females are complicated!). There are many parts of the brain that contribute to its functions. There are the two main cells called the glial cells, or nerve cell circuits, which help control the chemical balance of the brain (hormones). They also provide structural support for the neurons, which help the nervous system after injury, and supply chemicals that are needed for a healthy brain. The neurons are also known as the communicators and carry information and are both electrical and chemical. There are three parts to the brain. The Cerebrum - which is divided into two hemispheres - the Left Brain and the Right Brain and then each hemisphere divided into four sections - wow!). The left brain is all logical and numbery and the right brain is all creative (that's me!). The Cerebellum which is the part of the brain where the high level functions take place (*High Level*). The cerebellum controls our posture, balance, and co-ordination. It is divided into two different lobes which are connected by white fibres. The Brain Stem - which is located directly below the cerebellum - connects to the spinal cord. This is also the part of the brain where the vital functions occur. The lowest part of the brain is located in the brain stem. Within the brain are the important memory functions. There are different types of memory that remember certain things by the way they look, smell, feel, etc... *Phew!* Fascinating stuff! So what has this all gotta do with our health you ask? Well, (thank you for asking) we can see that the brain does some pretty darn cool and complicated stuff. It connects the rest of the body and organs and is a communicator between nerves. If for whatever reason something has gone wrong then the nerves won't be able to communicate and we won't be able to function correctly. I mean just image not been able to lift your finger to type an SMS message? That's like TORTURE, right? Do WE think about THAT? Nah ah! We being we - we just go along our daily life not worrying about this UNTIL something happens. Who controls the affairs of the heaven and the earth? Who knows how our system is functioning and making sure it remains functioning? Exactly! ALLAH! So which of our Lords favour can WE deny? *Reflection Moment* Right now just STOP reading and say 'Alhamdulilah wa Shukr Allah' and then come back... Ok, so how do we take care of our brain? I'll get to that in today's 'Tips and Action Points' but let's move on to our mind. Ooooooooh... Sooooo, what is the MIND? Wikipedia states that (sorry I was too lazy to grab the physical dictionary); 'A mind is the complex of cognitive faculties that enables consciousness, thinking, reasoning, perception, and judgement - a characteristic of human beings, but which also may apply to other life forms.' *DEEP!* So THIS is where the thinking process happens - hmmm! There is the conscious mind and the sub-conscious. The conscious mind is when you are in the NOW, in the MOMENT, when you are PRESENT. The sub-conscious is the one working over time in the background and has been there since our childhood. Here in the sub-conscious are our earliest belief systems and all those thoughts we hold which help us or hinder us in the NOW. Think 'I'm not good enough to launch a business because when I was little I was told women don't run businesses!' Or think' 'I'm afraid of spiders because when I was small I was told if I didn't sleep the spider would bite me!' Got the picture? Ahaan! That's your subconscious - always working over time - always the silent naysayer or silent cheerleader. What's yours like? Consciousness - being aware - is also linked to 'God-Consciousness' or as you may have heard 'Taqwa'. This is sooo cool because having taqwa means always being mindful and aware that Allah is watching and hearing ALL that we say and do so it keeps us in check - always. We need to be in THIS state - always. Ok, we need to try very hard to be in this state - I know its difficult - I hear you! The subconscious can sometimes sabotage us to such a state that we are always confused, not knowing what to do and what action to take. Yes we listen to our gut instincts (or we should) or listen to our heart but its the naysaysers from the subconscious that either hinder us or our cheerleader who cheer us on! That little voice inside of our head really needs to take a chill pill and let us get on with it. But before you say; 'I'm going outa my mind - it won't stop talking gobledeglook - help me!!!' - help is at hand - literally - keep reading to find out in today's tips and actions how we can take care of our brain AND mind!. Tips and Action Points: 1. The Brain: So what can you do to look after your brain? Many things insha'Allah. We need to protect our brain because any head injury - however small - can have fatal consequences. So if you do have a head injury then get to A&E quick and fast. You've seen how many neurons and chemicals are working up there and how it's connecting to the rest of the organs. So please watch how you go about your daily activities, ok? :) What else? Well the brain is a muscle and it needs daily exercise. Imagine if you stayed in bed all day and all night or sat in one place like forever - what would happen to your bones and muscles? Exactly! The brain is a muscle which needs daily exercise. Give it the right nutrients, the right food, challenge your brain - to read something new, to use your less dominant hand to brush your teeth. Also read and read a lot - varied stuff - not just your favourite novels. Mix with people - not to an extent where we start gossiping or backbitting - but be social and meet new people. Reduce your stress by doing fun activities - especially those you enjoyed as a child - yes even colouring! If you're feeling depressed then ask yourself what is making you feel like this? What has changed? Is the weather? Is it a break-up? Once you know then you'll be able to move forward and heal. But you have to figure out what and why it is first insha'Allah. Give your body an exercise so your brain has some new activity to play with and it stays vitalised and energised. Eat foods which increase and boost brain power - especially all the natural foods, fruits and nuts. 2. The Mind: You are what YOU think you are! So, what do YOU think you are? Think good about yourself. Don't wallow in sorrows of past sins - that's not being humble that's called self sabotage! Our deen Islam has taught us to seek forgiveness. So seek forgiveness - istigfaar and tauba - repentance - ask sincerely of Allah and He will forgive! Don't allow your kareen to waswasa you into doom and gloom - that's his job! You have to rise above it! And before you say that 'Our RasoolAllah used to ask forgiveness more than 70 times a day and his past and future sins were forgiven and so who am I to think I'm better etc'. Well, who asked you to? Not me! Yes there is an authentic hadith and yes he did seek forgiveness more than 70 times a day - so what's stopping YOU? Make it your daily routine - daily tasbee. But isn't there also an authentic hadith about a man praying all night and fasting all day and his wife complaining to RasoolAllah and then RasoolAllah saying that he is also a human, he sleeps and rests as well as prays and fasts and breaks fast and gives time to his family and society? Yes, exactly. Want to follow the Sunnah correctly - YOU CAN! What else? Recognise the little voice in your head. Is it your cheerleader or naysayer? Feed the one which will benefit. Our mind is like a computer - it only knows instructions. If you ask it; 'Why am I unsuccessful?' Then it will go look for all the answers to why you are unsuccessful. If you ask it; 'Why am I successful?' Then it will go and get you all the facts to tell you exactly why. So ask the right questions! Focus on what you want and not on what you don't want. We seem to all do this too often! Also - our subconscious or belief systems can be changed. Yes our mind can be rewired. And it all starts with YOU. Start talking to yourself like a best friend. Treat yourself good. Say positive statements and affirmation. YOU are in control of YOUR mind and insha'Allah as soon as YOU take control of and give permission to yourself to take control of it you'll see some positive changes! :) The key is to keep at it and stay consistent. Yes you will have a day where it will feel that everything has come crushing down. No worries. Pick yourself up. Think about it - you've just spent your entire life talking your mind into negative talk - it is going to take a little time to get back on the positive road and stay there. But YOU CAN DO IT! Yes you can! Start today - start right NOW! {I know this post has been way too long than intended - I guess there were two really important topics to cover. I hope you benefited from it as much as I enjoyed writing it and all praise is to Allah! :) }
28/2/2013 11:53:33 pm
MashaAllah ,, very nice one !
25/2/2015 03:34:25 pm
thanks. It's a help. Just too lonely.
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