How is it a decade already?! If I can describe this last decade to you then it goes like this...
...continuous learning, challenges, emotional challenges, family issues, confusion, business building struggles, excitement, inspiration, motivation, creative bursts, flow state, coaching, teaching, training, speaking, opportunities - local and international, falling and failing - at life, deen, and business, getting back up and succeeding...and some more... All.That.On.Repeat. Yes, on repeat - for the whole last decade! ...... By Allah, have I grown in mind, body, soul, spirit, being, or what! Throughout all of it, you have joined me on this spiritual and personal development journey to become better Muslims and better humans. You joined me either at the start or when I published my first blog post on this site - Wednesday 7th December 2011 - or some time after. You're either a female or male interested in personal development. You're either a Muslim or someone from a different faith or no faith. But you joined me here to read my weekly Wednesday blog posts, or receive my weekly Wednesday emails, or you've watched my YouTube videos, subscribed to my channels, followed me on various or all social media that I'm on. You've seen me in action, all over the place, being creative, or you've seen me disappear from this earth...or the World Wide Web...and inactive. We both have one thing in common... We both want to be better everyday. We both want to excel. We both want to be better in our ibbadah - in our worship - and our connection to God Almighty. We both want to learn why we are here on earth, heal our pains and hurts, understand why we have these issues, challenges, problems, and find active solutions. I want to say...thank you. Thank you for being on this journey of ups and downs with me. Thank you for being patient with me when I fell off the wagon and fell short. I was still learning and I thought I had it all figured out and I was here to help you figure it out too but I realised I'm still on this journey with you and always will be and there's always another layer to uncover and another thing to learn and implement. I have for my entire life - subconsciously - been looking to look up to someone. Someone perfect. Someone who has it all figured out. And someone I can emulate. And whenever I thought I had found that someone to look up to with all those qualities and they didn't match those, I felt lost again. The main thing I found throughout my life - and it's changing so much for the better now - is that those people I looked up to and saw as a success whether in life or business (and to me it's all one same thing) didn't speak about their behind the scenes - their failures - and so I thought it was always me who fell short and when they did show their failures, I didn't realise that they too are human on this journey and they really don't have everything figured out. Some things yes, and they've worked hard at it, but not everything. And in the grand scheme of things, that is OK. That's why they call it life! I realised that I have to be the role model I always wanted. And so, here we are, a whole decade later, and what I had envisioned for We Be Inspired and where it would be has not being accomplished. And all fault is mine. In trying to learn business development and how to make a business a success, I fell short on my deen side, which I had worked hard at since I was 14, and I'm working to rebuild that again insha'Allah. I fell short on helping you and left you in the dark when I said I would shine the light and help us all. I stopped weekly blogs posts and stopped new video uploads that you loved so much. I didn't want to show up with my failures and made it all about me and left you alone. Some of my life challenges pushed me so much that I wanted to end things forever. I had no one to talk to or get the help I needed so I thought how could I help you. If you look closely at the WBI logo, you'll see it has a flag at the end and this is to symbolise that we are flag bearers for each other. We hold each other up throughout this journey in life. And I still believe in this and my unique purpose here on earth. YOU are what makes We Be Inspired. I failed you and I'm sorry. ....... So, now what? Well, I'm resetting my intention for my existence - for a start! Allah does not change a condition of a person until s/he doesn't take the first step. And with that comes everything else - my deen schedule, my learning and growth schedule, my business building and development schedule, my friendships and relationships schedule, and my commitment, dedication, and purpose to helping you find solutions to your challenges, so you can live a happy and healed life on the deen, and prepare for your best akhirah. That's what you signed up for when you discovered We Be Inspired, right? I need your dua support on that. So, as we end a decade of WBI, let's look at some of the top ten posts that really put WBI on the global map of faith based spiritual and personal development. Once you're done with these and want even more then go ahead and browse through the library archive. The free recourses are still available for you. And if you're really inspired and motivated again, then head over to our YouTube channel and schedule in your learning. Here's the Top 10 We Be Inspired Blog Posts #10 YOU are NOT a Mistake! God created you for a reason - for a purpose. Each moment is teaching you a lesson and this lesson is shaping up the human you are meant to be - the human you are being right now. The only thing is how you perceive it and how you react. This will determine your path in life and what you achieve. YOU are needed in this world - it's time you believe this and start living life full on! #9 Give and You shall Receive! We live in a society and culture where we want to work hard only so we accumulate all the goods of this world. We want, want and want! Its ok to have goods of this world - if done in moderation. We need a roof on top our heads and clothes on our body. We need that. So we work for it and its ok. But it's not always just about us as an individual, but we as a group, a community, humanity. After reading this post, you'll become a giver too (if you aren't already) and watch the abundance you receive in return. #8 I'm a Victim - Get ME out of HERE! The topic we are going to look at today is about 'Self-sabotage' and 'Victim mentality'. Today's topic is pretty deep - in more ways than one. So before we begin I request you to read this only if you are ready to move on from all negativity in your life, if you're looking for some solutions and answers and if you want to start making positive changes in your world. If you're feeling very low and emotional then this topic may really hit home and may upset you or may even make you angry. But do read it and do the exercises as it'll really help you. #7 Need A Quick Spiritual Fix? So here's the plan for us insha'Allah. I'll give you the overall plan, but its for you to make your own schedule - because we've all got different daily schedules. I mean normal people's schedule begins from 9am til 5pm, but someone as abnormal as me, my schedule is 5pm till 6am! (Don't ask!) (Side note - it's 2021 and it's still the same - the 5pm till 6am thing!). #6 Are YOU Aware of YOU? How do we spend most of our days? Do we consciously go through the day knowing what we are doing or do we just ‘flow’ through the day on auto-pilot? Maybe you’re half and half – half on auto and half conscious? And, so, the question is – what about the other half? Time to find out now! #5 Courage Doesn’t Always Roar! Today's topic is about; 'Courage and being Courageous’. Before we continue further I just want to point out that this topic is not only for females but also for males. In a society where gender biases are at a high we are always told that men are brave and women are weak. We're not talking about the gender differences which Allah (swt) has created but how we always tell boys; 'Boys don't cry they are brave' and we tell girls; 'It's ok to cry, you're a girl!'. You might cry when you read this post, but it's OK, it's a healing process. Watch how your courage is unleashed. #4 Is YOUR Patience A Virtue? ...Or does it make you more impatient? Well, we have been hearing all our lives that patience is a virtue! Is it true though? And has it worked for YOU? Has patience become a virtue for you or made you even more impatient? Let's find out and cultivate patience in our life. #3 What are YOU doing this Moment? Moments: Know that every moment you have is an opportunity. An opportunity to grow, to excel to make your dreams a reality. How do YOU spend your moments and what are you doing this moment? Each moment is our only moment so find out how you can live each moment to the fullest. #2 Have YOU Found YOUR Purpose Yet? * Ever questioned and asked what you're doing here on Planet Earth? * Ever had one of those days when you said; 'I've had enough! No more! I don't get it! Why ME!?? * Ever wanted peace and comfort - enough of the hustle bustle of daily life and just time to be you??? *Reflection Moment (take a minute)* If so, then I ask you, what's stopping you from being you and having peace and comfort in life? Read to discover your purpose in life and then live it out full til the end of your lifetime. #1 There's something Special inside of YOU "You say that you are just a body, but inside of you is something greater than the Universe." Imam Shafi (rahimullah). We are spiritual beings living in physical bodies - both need taking care of. Our soul needs ibaadah (worship) and our body needs the right foods and exercise. When both the soul and body are aligned - we are at an overall state of peace and ease. But when either one of them is misaligned then we are at dis-ease. Have you ever felt at dis-ease? Then step inside of yourself and discover who you truly are! ........... I hope you enjoyed reading those as I enjoyed curating them for you. Make sure to follow the action steps in them and always keep your notebook and pen handy. Leave me a comment below as I love receiving all your feedback, your thoughts, your ideas. Let me know what else you want to learn, what challenges you are currently having, and how you want me to help you or what programs/products you want me to create for you. There's a lot I've learned in these last two pandemic years from seminars and workshops that I've implemented and I want to teach and train you on it too. And now, let's renew our intentions and let's begin this new decade of We Be Inspired 2021-2031 and beyond, full of inspiration, motivation, and success insha'Allah. Bismillah-ExCel. With all my love, duas, and light - til eternity and beyond. Nadia. PS - Did I mention that our Academy is launching in 2022 insha'Allah? Get excited!
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As we begin the New Year, lets start to implement lessons from the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in our lives. Have a journalling reflection moment to see which of the above you are already applying in your life and which ones you can add now. Give yourself a 30 day challenge and do at least one each day with full sincerity and with the intention of becoming a better Muslim, a better human, an asset to humanity, and closer to Allah (swt). See and feel the effects of the Prophet's (pbuh) teachings in your life. Better still, we're in a national lockdown in UK, what a better way to spend time with your family and to prepare for Ramadan right now. Create a daily challenge for yourself using the lessons above and then research the Qur'anic verse for it as well as where in the ahaadith it's been mentioned. So, will you take on this challenge now? Let me hear your #challengeaccepted in the comments below! :) Nadia [BTW, if we've just met for the very first time right now on this blog post article and you resonate with my words and you want to learn more about me and how I can help you, then I invite you to CLICK HERE to join my 'Inner Circle Tribe' and grab yourself some FREE Masterclass trainings to start learning from me right away. They'll really help you during these tough times. If you're a regular WBI'er then you're good for now - keep an eye out for the regular emails.]
![]() I talk and post personal and spiritual development stuff for y'all and I actually work on mine daily too - i'm a work in progress just like you :) So in the essence of my daily development I have just accepted the '10 Day Mental Challenge' (whilst reading Tony Robbins book 'Re-Awaken the Giant Within') to be committed to putting myself and keeping myself in a passionately positive state, no matter what happens. This is a 'Mental-Diet-Detox'! Welcome to the Challenge. So, here are 10 steps how we will go on our 'Mental-Detox-Diet'. Ready to accept this challenge? Awesome, keep reading! :) The 10 Steps to a Mental-Detox-Diet: 1. Grab a journal or pen/pencil or your online device - this is going to be our friend for the next 10 days. We will write our thoughts, our challenges and our reflection moments. Write empowering statements for yourself as well as positive 'how-to' questions. 2. Go easy on Social media - OK, so I would say 'Go on a 10 day social media fast' however, we are in this together and I need to use social media for the next 10 days to keep up to date with this post, facebook updates on the pages as well as twitter, linkedin, blogpost and pinterest (yup, i'm everywhere!) and an upcoming eBook. So I need to use social media in the next 10 days. If you want to go on a social media fast then go for it - otherwise minimise your usage and replace it with article or book reading. 3. Grab your mus'haf (copy of the Qur'an) and read, recite, memorise and study the tafsir. Think about it, you're making a head start for Ramadan right now - how awesome is that? :) 4. Read inspirational and motivational articles, books, eBooks - write your reflections and lesson you learn in your journal. This will keep you going for the next 10 days. Better still, start your own online blog and write daily reflection pieces from this challenge. You'll be learning lots yourself and inspiring others too! 5. Watch those thoughts! Monitor them. Control them and yes you can! As soon as you get that depressing thought - snap yourself out of it. There are no excuses here. We have full control over our thoughts - we 'think' we don't. If i ask you now; 'What is your next thought?' What is your answer? Exactly! You didn't have a thought did you? So this is powerful. Control your thoughts! And if you need help then grab an rubber band, wear it on your wrist and every time you get a negative thought snap the rubber band! 6. Move your body! Get up and exercise. Change your state by changing your physiology. When we are confident and optimistic see how are body posture changes. And when we are negative, we slouch, close up, blocking our heart and breathing. Right now sit up or stand up straight, drop your shoulders, back straight, take a deep breath in - hold, breathe out and smile. See? 7. Get involved in a community project or volunteer for an organisation. It'll teach you new skills and you'll be able to use your existing skills. You'll also feel happier by giving and helping others - it really puts our own life into perspective and how blessed we are, subhan'Allah! Help those who need our help insha'Allah. 8. Finish off outstanding project - it will give you a sense of achievement and a clearing to begin new stuff. I'm doing this! Do this now! 9. Speak to yourself lovingly. I mean honestly sometimes we should hear ourselves - would we talk to our best friend like that? No way! We wouldn't have any friends left! Look in the mirror daily for 5 minutes. This may be a challenge at first - but hey we are on a challenge right? Hold your gaze and speak lovingly to yourself. Tell yourself you love you. Tell yourself of your achievements and what you want to achieve. Be grateful for all your blessings and thank God for them. 10. Take a break from friends and family and the phone. No, not the whole 10 days but for 1 hour every single day. Can you tear yourself away from your phone for one hour? Yes you can! Spend this time in reflection. Jot down your thoughts in your journal. Do some dhikr or tasbee and ponder on the creation. Reflect on your life - where you are, where you want to be and how you will get there. If you come up with any challenges in the next 10 days - and you will - so will I, then instead of the usual; 'Why me!' or 'What now' or any other form of negative self-talk, turn it around. Start asking better questions. The better questions you ask the better solutions you'll come up with. So ask; 'What can I learn from this now?' or 'How can I see this differently?' or 'What can I do to make this better?' or 'How can I approach this from a different angle' etc. Try it - it's powerful! That's our step by step plan. Who's going to join me on this challenge now? Let's do this! Comment below and let me know if you are in and if you will be adding any more steps to this and remember to {SHARE the KHAIR} :) Bismillah-ExCel! ![]() I know - easy said than done right? Especially if there are things going on in your world that make you doubt yourself. You know, right now, I may not know exactly your challenges and what stops you from believing in yourself - but I want you to know that I too have moments when I don't believe in myself. I took a break from facebook for a month and in fact i'm due back this week (my 30 day break is almost over) and! after years of being on there and sharing my work I had some people questioning me and my work and (what felt like to me) my abilities. I was already on a downer and it really hurt. I know that you see me as a confident soul and you look up to me - I appreciate that - thank you - but know that if I am confident today it's because of all the challenges I have faced in my four decades on earth and the lessons that I have learned. It's still not easy - especially when you are in the public eye (believe me - i've been in the 'public eye' since childhood - call it the youngest child syndrome!). But I do what I do (this work) and I launched 'We Be Inspired' - an organisation dedicated to Personal development - as I want to share with you not only my journey but also how I have learnt and found ways to help myself and how I can help you insha'Allah. This year - 2014 - there will be many products and services dedicated to helping you live your best life and preparing for your best akhirah insha'Allah. But know that it all starts with you! Honestly. This moment is all we have and I'm not here forever - none of us are - so I want to share with you and teach you all that I have learnt and continue to learn so even if i'm not around (especially my social media breaks) then you will be ok insha'Allah. Listen, the thing is, all of us have our own challenges that we face daily and there really is only so much we can do to help each other at times. You may feel that your loved ones don't hear you out and are not there for you - but honestly they may be facing their own challenges too. I hope the quote above and the following short video inspires you and motivates you to believe in yourself now. And even if after watching this video you still are not sure and question or doubt yourself then know this for a fact that Allah (swt) created you for a reason and a greater purpose than what you think right now. There is a reason why He (swt) specially and specifically created you. He (swt) believes in YOU! Watch this video and know that Allah (Swt) is with you! :) Question: How can I help you this 2014 to live your life purpose? :)
Comment below and let me know so I can create the best products and services for you insha'Allah. ![]() Here's from me wishing YOU and your loved ones a blessed 2014! Each moment is our only moment that knows the moment that was, is and will be. And each moment could be our last! God has put us here for a greater purpose - for ourselves (our worship to Him (swt) alone) as well as for the greater good of humanity. Now is all we have! Now is when we live our truest purpose and now is when we make those dreams come real. Enough of just talking and planning. Talking is good. Planning is better. But acting it and making it real is even better! We plan and God is the best of ALL planners. We make the intention, say bismillah and put in 150% of ExCel mode to make it real. We let go of the attachment - of owning the end result. That end result is not in our hands - as God decides whether it shall be. And when God says Be - then it shall be! 'Wait, so what is the point of it all or working hard for it then?' I hear you say. Well, what else are you going to do with your life eh? And anyway Heaven must be won - it's not given to anyone on a silver plate! And all those dreams, wishes, ambitions. hopes you have - well they won't be worth to you if you don't actually get up and make them happen now. Enough of time wasting, wallowing in self-pity, and living in the past. The past has gone - learn the lessons! The future? Well, tomorrow is not here yet - so just make dua that when it does come by then it is a blessed one. This moment? Now? Well, that's all YOU and I have! So, make the intention now - yes right now - that you're going to create positive changes in your life, live your best life helping humanity and prepare for you best akhirah now. It is now or never. There's a reason why YOU are reading this! I don't know your life story - but I know that we are connected - and I know that God wants you to read this right now as YOU have something great to create with your life. Are YOU ready to cease this year with your mind, body and soul? With blood, sweat and tears? Then welcome aboard 2014. May God grant you success and happiness in all areas of your life! Onwards and Upwards! Comment below and let me know if you're on this now, OK? :) Ps - We Be Inspired - One Life, One Chance, One Vision - live it now! :) ![]() My passion in life is to creatively help you find your unique purpose in life and to align it with our ultimate purpose of worshiping God. This is my unique purpose! :) [We were in the company of the Prophet in a funeral procession at Baqi Al-Gharqad. He said, "There is none of you but has his place written for him in Paradise or in the Hell- Fire." They said, "O Allah's Apostle! Shall we depend (on this fact and give up work)?" He said, "Carry on doing (good deeds), for everybody will find it easy to do (what will lead him to his destined place)." Then he recited "As for him who gives (in charity) and keeps his duty to Allah, and believes in the Best reward from Allah (i.e. Allah will compensate him for what he will spend in Allah's way). So, We will make smooth for him the path of ease. But he who is a greedy miser...for him, the path for evil." (92.5-10)] I want to take this opportunity to say jazaakAllah khair and thank you for being part of the We Be Inspired family. I hope and pray these posts inspire and motivate you in your every day life and help you to get closer to Allah. As the title of this post goes; 'Here to Serve You!' Now is your chance to get interactive and let me know what YOU want from We Be Inspired. We Be Inspired is all about Islamic Personal and Spiritual development. So this is YOUR time . I'm here to serve you - so tell me what services and products I can create that will serve you, help you in your every day life and will help you find your unique purpose in life (and if you have found it then strengthen it) and to align it with our ultimate purpose of worshiping Allah. What issues keep you up at night and what solutions do you want. We Be Inspired is not exclusive to women only - it is also for men (unless we have a specific workshop of class for sisters only). We Be Inspired also invites non-Muslims to come and be inspired and learn something that will help them in their life insha'Allah. So go ahead now and comment on this post (if you have noticed this is not your normal type of weekly blog post) - but masha'Allah since loads of you always read these posts, comment and message me i thought it's the best platform to engage you all. Waiting for your comments so i can get back into my home workshop and start creating all those services and products for you insha'Allah. Go ahead and leave me your comments now :) Nadia x |
AuthorNadia Leona Yunis Archive