![]() Here's from me wishing YOU and your loved ones a blessed 2014! Each moment is our only moment that knows the moment that was, is and will be. And each moment could be our last! God has put us here for a greater purpose - for ourselves (our worship to Him (swt) alone) as well as for the greater good of humanity. Now is all we have! Now is when we live our truest purpose and now is when we make those dreams come real. Enough of just talking and planning. Talking is good. Planning is better. But acting it and making it real is even better! We plan and God is the best of ALL planners. We make the intention, say bismillah and put in 150% of ExCel mode to make it real. We let go of the attachment - of owning the end result. That end result is not in our hands - as God decides whether it shall be. And when God says Be - then it shall be! 'Wait, so what is the point of it all or working hard for it then?' I hear you say. Well, what else are you going to do with your life eh? And anyway Heaven must be won - it's not given to anyone on a silver plate! And all those dreams, wishes, ambitions. hopes you have - well they won't be worth to you if you don't actually get up and make them happen now. Enough of time wasting, wallowing in self-pity, and living in the past. The past has gone - learn the lessons! The future? Well, tomorrow is not here yet - so just make dua that when it does come by then it is a blessed one. This moment? Now? Well, that's all YOU and I have! So, make the intention now - yes right now - that you're going to create positive changes in your life, live your best life helping humanity and prepare for you best akhirah now. It is now or never. There's a reason why YOU are reading this! I don't know your life story - but I know that we are connected - and I know that God wants you to read this right now as YOU have something great to create with your life. Are YOU ready to cease this year with your mind, body and soul? With blood, sweat and tears? Then welcome aboard 2014. May God grant you success and happiness in all areas of your life! Onwards and Upwards! Comment below and let me know if you're on this now, OK? :) Ps - We Be Inspired - One Life, One Chance, One Vision - live it now! :)
AuthorNadia Leona Yunis Archive