...It gets tiring and then we become lazy and then we think what's the point. Well there is a point and each moment its a point - a point to get closer to our Creator. So each moment give it your best and keep trying. Remember once we leave we won't be able to come back. Whilst we're sitting here feeling sorry for ourselves, others are living their dreams. Keep trying. Ramadan is the best time.
...You are not lonely or alone! The One who created you is always with you. He has put us in this world to live and learn. Islam is about balance and moderation. We can spend each day after fajr in seclusion to do dhikr to get even closer to Allah - soul therapy - but no need to shun this world. Create a balance in your world, in your lives. How did our beloved Rasool Allah live his life? Exactly! You're not lonely or alone. Hold on tight to the rope of Allah...
No one is ugly! If we don't like someone then fine - move along. But don't abuse someone with bad names. Don't feed your own soul with self-righteousness by abusing someone. If we consider someone ugly then its our perception that is ugly because we have been feeding our heart and soul with ugliness. God doesn't create ugly in His creation - let's not disrespect His creation. As my mama always says, point a finger at someone and remember how many fingers are pointing back at you.
What is our 'Ultimate Purpose' - the reason we were created? Always wondered what you're doing here on the planet, got confused with daily happenings, uneasy, unsure and need answers?
Well here it is - the reason why Allah created us... "And I (Allah) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me (Alone)" [Qur'an 51:56] And that's it! If we can understand and master our Ultimate Purpose - then everything else in life will work out just fine iA! ...Don't give up, no matter how difficult or hard it seems. Because only through hardships come ease and after every dark night there is a bright day ahead. Trust the Creator of the heavens and the earth. Hold on to Him - even through the painful moments - Hold on - if I hadn't then today I wouldn't be here - He bestowed His mercy upon me - He will bestow His mercy on You - walk to Him - He's waiting.
...Want to become a multi-billionaire? Want to know the 'Ultimate Secret' and get ahead? Simple. Work on your relationship with your Creator, fulfil His rights, establish prayer, give charity, fulfil the rights of fellow humans, animals, nature, connect and implement the teachings of His book and follow the best example of His beloved and final Prophet - and become a loving, giving soul - one who works to cleanse his/her heart and soul daily and rid it of jealousy, envy and hatred - and that's all you have to do to become a multi-billionaire. And THEN He (swt) will help you take care of all your duniya needs iA :)
...Isn't it amazing that when we pray our Salah our Rabb focuses on us and is answering us and if we have khushu we can feel the sweetness and the love of our Creator for us and our love for Him. I mean how many people praying at one specific time - yet He devotes His attention to us as an individual. Like a mother and daughter could be praying together or a father and son together or in congregation but He still sees us and answers us as individuals - subhan'Allah!
So then which of our Lords favours will we deny? ...How do we want to be treated in this world - by our loved ones and all those who we meet in our lifetime? If you want love then love others, if you want respect then respect others, if you want to be treated kindly then treat others kindly, if you want to receive then learn to give, if you want compliments then give compliments, if you want honesty and sincerity in all your relationships then be honest and be sincere and if you want Allah then submit to His will - it all starts with each of us taking that first step iA! ♡
...Don't turn your face away from your Creator no matter how deeply you have been wounded. Maybe it's a lesson and sign for us to reconnect with our Rabb because we get so preoccupied in our day to day that we forgot to answer His call - we forgot Him!
"If Allah helps you, there is none to overcome you. And if He abandons you, then, who is there to help you after that? In Allah the believers should place their trust." [Qur'an; 3:160] Really, there is no one else who will help you and if your loved ones 'help' you its only by Allah's Will as He has chosen them to be there for you at that time. ...And in the end there is just One, Allah! Trust in Allah - if He brought us to it He will help us through it! ♡ Many a times when we don't hear from our loved ones we hurt deep inside and think a billion things. Many a times we get so busy that we 'forget' to check in on our loved ones.
This is how we are with the creation - but what about the Creator? The Prophet (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) said, "My Lord says, 'If My slave comes nearer to me for a span, I go nearer to him for a cubit; and if he comes nearer to Me for a cubit, I go nearer to him for the span of outstretched arms; and if he comes to Me walking, I go to him running.' " Bukhari Vol. 9 : No. 627 Yet we ignore our Rabb on a daily - we neglect our Ibaadah, we neglect our Salah, our Qur'an - we get caught up in the daily glitz and glam and then we say we are lonely, empty and heart broken. If we don't call our loved ones and then we meet them we know we're in for some serious whooping! But what about our Rabb? He is waiting to answer us - will YOU make that all important call to Him today? Because if we return to Him today how will we face Him? |
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January 2014