![]() ...Or does it make you more impatient? Well, we have been hearing all our lives that patience is a virtue! Is it true though? And has it worked for YOU? Has patience become a virtue for you or made you even more impatient? We live crazy lives where we want things instantaneously and if we have to wait more than a minute we get itchy feet! Everything in life needs patience - for its through patience we learn lives greatest lessons and comprehend the deepest of wisdom's. Everyone has been tested during their lifetime - from all the great Prophets to normal lay people - and you and I. Maybe you are being tested right now and you require patience? Take comfort that your Creator has knowledge of ALL affairs and knows what is best for you. I mean after all - wouldn't you want the best and be saved from the rest? (The rest which is not good for you at all). I know we are human and we slip; 'To err is to human and to forgive Divine' - but we shouldn't make this an excuse - a reason for us not to exercise patience. We may now live in a culture of; 'I want and I want now!' - but in all honestly this just makes us horrible people - and Allah (swt) created the Ummah of RasoolAllah (saw) as the best. Allah (swt) asks us to exercise patience, perseverance and prayer. "And seek help through patience and prayer, and indeed, it is difficult except for the humbly submissive [to Allah] ." (2:45) In another verse... "O you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with the patient." (2:153) Also... "And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient. Who, when disaster strikes them, say, "Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return." Those are the ones upon whom are blessings from their Lord and mercy. And it is those who are the [rightly] guided." (2:155-157) As well as... "O you who have believed, persevere and endure and remain stationed and fear Allah that you may be successful." (3:200) And what was said to our beloved Prophet?... "And be patient, [O Muhammad], and your patience is not but through Allah." (11:115) Yes these verses are very inspiring and have much to teach us but again we are human and something may happen that brings you down. I mean you may be so patient and enduring your suffering with a smile when along come the naysayers and bust your happy bubble. Ever happened to you? Yes, has happened to me - more than once! So what to do to implement the verses above - have them imprinted and embedded on our souls and endure our 'sufferings' with patience? Follow the following insha'Allah... Action Points & Tips: 1. Re-read and study the verses above - really and truly reflect on what they are saying and look at your situation - where can you implement them and if you don't what do you think would happen? 2. Ibaadah - perfect your worship. We are all students of knowledge, we will all fall and we will all need to pick ourselves up - remain humble and remind yourselves that Allah will be there to pick you up - if you mess up - return to Allah, do tauba and fix up. 3. Create a support network - not an entire block of sisters and brothers - although that would be a good practice and we should be there for each other - but your friends - even if it is just one friend - what is that friend like? If it's a friend who has always been there for you and will always give you a good word then hold on to them and reciprocate it - if they are there for you then be there for them. Hold on tight to Allah's true ones - they are rare, like diamonds, but you have to search them and when you find them hold on - as these friends will help you implement the patience verses and help you put them to practice. 4. Learn about Allah - His Names and His Attributes - what does Allah love? What does He hate? What does He want from us? How can we please Him? Yes, He is our Creator but He is also our best friend - because he who has no one has Allah and he who has Allah has everything. Know that whatever Allah is doing for you is the best - have you been injured - don't worry, it's a purification...has your marriage come to an end - don't worry Allah has saved you from any evil...has your business dropped in sales, don't worry try something different... 5. Know and recognize that this life is temporary and each moment is our only moment - the suffering we face now is much lighter than any suffering in the grave or hell-fire and may Allah (swt) save us from the torments of both - ameen! 6. Have you missed an all important chat with Allah? Well now's your chance to catch up on it and fix your ways - He has given you this 'time-out' to reconnect with Him So? What YOU waiting for? Give Allah a call because He is waiting for YOUR call! :) I love to hear your feedback so drop me a quick email on [email protected]
![]() * Ever questioned and asked what you're doing here on Planet Earth? * Ever had one of those days when you said; 'I've had enough! No more! I don't get it! Why ME!?? * Ever wanted peace and comfort - enough of the hustle bustle of daily life and just time to be you??? ***Reflection Moment (take a minute)*** So I ask you, what's stopping you from being you and having peace and comfort in life? Why are you self-sabotaging yourself with negative self-talk (I'm not good enough!) Or negative company (No, don't be silly, you can't do that!) And negative situations (I always get thrown into these situations...!). We've all had the above (or some of still do) - even me, I had those questions too - but that was once-upon-a-rainbow-coloured-moon (sorry, but the whole blue moon thing, its overrated!). Life will have its ups and downs - and the reason for that is that it's teaching us a lesson - how to better ourselves and fulfil our true purpose - the reason we have been created. "Did you think that We had created you in play (without any purpose) and that you would not be brought back to Us?" [23:115] So, 'What is MY purpose then?!'; I hear you ask. Let our Rabb answer that for us insha'Allah. "And I (Allah) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me (Alone)" [Qur'an 51:56] ...And that's it! No, really, that's it! That is our 'Ultimate Purpose' and the reason we have been created. Not study, work, marriage, kids, businesses, etc - but to worship Allah. Yes we have to live and work and procreate etc - but that's our secondary purpose. Question: If you don't worship Allah, then what use is the rest? This life is only temporary and then we leave for our next life. And to get the top spot in the next world we have to worship Allah in this world and abide by His laws and commands. That is why the Qur'an teaches us the dua; 'My Lord grant us good in this world and good in the hereafter and save us from the punishment of the fire' (Surah Baqarah). It is ok to have the riches and goodness of this world - for the dua above is asking us to ask of the goodness of this world first. However - imagine getting all the goodness and riches of this world, yet never worshiping Allah and then burning in the depths of hell in the next world? I know, not nice at all! So our ultimate purpose is to worship Allah alone (not associating any partners with Him). We - each of us - have a 'Unique Purpose' also. The best of teachers, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: "Carry on doing (good) deeds, for each person will find it easy to do such deeds as will lead him to his destined place for which he has been created. So, he who is destined to be among the happy (in the Hereafter), will find it easy to do the deeds characteristic of such people..." [Part of an authentic Hadeeth collected by Al-Bukhari in his Saheeh, V.6, Hadeeth #472] This also means that when our Unique Purpose (____ fill in the blank with your unique purpose, I.e what you do, your passions, career, business etc) is aligned with our Ultimate Purpose then we find ease, peace and closeness to Allah az wajal. Action Point & Tips: 1. Have YOU found your unique purpose yet? If not, grab a pen and paper, make a mind map and start brainstorming all your passions and all that you would like to do, be and accomplish. Write for 15mins solid and then stop. Group similar things together (as many will overlap) but the trick is to keep writing for 15mins non-stop, don't restrict your thinking - just let it flow... 2. What are your strengths and weaknesses in each of the above groups on your mind map and which ones really bring you peace, ease and comfort? 3. Chose 3 groups (you can chose 1 or 2 if you want) that you really want to excel in and which really bring you ease right now and make you smile. Write three things you will do in each group right NOW to make them happen - maybe these are goals and ideas you've been putting off yet thinking about all the time. Right NOW plan on how you will achieve them, make a dua and watch how Allah puts barakah in them. Remember how last week we talked about moments? Well, this moment is all you have! (If you missed last week's blog topic then please click here ) http://www.webeinspired.com/1/post/2011/12/what-are-you-doing-this-moment.html) "He brings you back to life each day, so that the appointed term be fulfilled; in the end, to Him shall you return." (al-Quran 6:60) ...So before we return, let's work hard on our 'Ultimate Purpose' and find our 'Unique Purpose' which will be aligned with our ultimate purpose and one which will bring us closer to Allah and bring goodness both in this world and the next insha'Allah. I love to hear your feedback and if you need help in finding your 'Unique Purpose' - email me on [email protected] and i'm here to help insha'Allah :) ![]() Moments: Know that every moment you have is an opportunity. An opportunity to grow, to excel to make your dreams a reality. How do YOU spend your moments and what are you doing this moment? Know that after spending a long day working, studying, looking after whomever you are looking after, worshiping you need a moment to rest. So when you rest give yourself permission to relax, to wind down so you can start fresh the next moment. We need to give ourselves permission - to live in the moment and be in the moment. Many will see this as negative - as if being in the moment we forget our past and we don't look towards our future. No! By being in the moment I'm talking about giving full concentration and focus to what your are doing at that moment. Stop living in a matrix and walking around like a robot - your're a human who needs to be in the moment and be aware. Imagine driving whilst your tired - almost asleep - I know many have done that - and I know many have regreted it also. As the Prophet SalAllahu Alayhi Wa Sallam said, "If the end of time is upon you and you have a seedling in your hand, plant it!" Therefore, don't let a single moment pass by you without making the most out of it. And yes that also means preparing for our life to come - and how/when can we prepare for it? Now, this moment - as this is all we have right now. Is your next moment guaranteed? .............. ***Be In the Moment*** 'We might think of our mind wandering as a pleasant experience, but Harvard University researchers have found that only when we are fully present in the moment are we truly content. Throughout your day, stay focused on what you're doing and see how it makes you feel.' (Quote from email) Be in the moment and give each moment your full attention and focus. Ever been upset or so happy that you wanted to share your moment with someone yet they were only half listening? How did that feel? Ever said something which you totally regretted and wished you just had one more moment to change it and make it right? Ever wished you had just one moment to hold on to something or someone but in the heat of the moment you lost them? Let's make it a habit to give our loved ones the attention and be in the moment with them - especially young children and the elderly. ***High Energy for Life*** One of the ways of being highly energetic and lively are to be in the moment and focusing on what you're doing. If the mind wonders then you lose focus and you've lost the moment which in turn will make you agitated and will leave you feeling hopeless. “...each moment is our only moment which knows the moment that was, that is and that will be – so make each moment count - in the remembrance of Allah, for we never know which moment of ours will be the last moment – so let’s leave on ‘La ilaha ilallah, Muhammadur RasulAllah.” (Last 10 Inspirations eBook - download your FREE copy here ---> http://www.webeinspired.com/ramadan-14322011.html <---) Give someone a gift today - give them a gift of 'moment' and why not give yourself a gift - gift yourself with the permission of being in the moment - doing whatever it is that you're doing - enjoying and making the most of this moment! :) Bismillah
Assalamu Alaikum Welcome to 'We Be Inspired - One Life, One Chance, One Vision' Blog Posts. ***You're Special and Unique - WBI is all about YOU!*** I'm Nadia Leona Yunis the Founder and CEO of We Be Inspired - One Life, One Chance, One Vision' I'm a 'Spiritual and Creative Mentor' and I'm here to help YOU find your 'Unique Purpose' in life, help your soul on its journey in this world to find peace and contentment through worship and helping you find your path back to your Lord - all this through my creativeness! We Be Inspired is about being inspired from everyone and everything that comes in to our lives - or that which we actively go out to seek - to better our selves and live our best life - the best we were created to be and live. It is also about being inspired by Qur'an and Sunnah. *BUT* - what about all those bad days, and the ups and downs and 'Oh she did this and he said that and urrghh I just wana pack it all in?!' Well, yes that shall happen and at some point in our lives 'He will say that and she will say this' - but hey that's life! *Wait Up - just a sec!* Okay, so before you switch off and think, 'Well forget the whole inspirational thing then - heard it all before!,' - let me explain - just give me a minute - actually make it two (I can sometimes go on a bit!) and let's paint a clear picture here. Look - in life we will have our ups and downs - if we don't then how will we ever learn the lessons we need to improve and better ourselves? I mean if at one time in your life you don't end up in a heated debate or argument (which WBI is not condoning!) - how will you learn what action to take next? Maybe that boss really doesn't appreciate you (should I quit my job or just tell my boss how he/she makes me feel), maybe your family just don't get your point (your just young yet, what do you know) - but what you will learn is how to deal with it if it happens again, how to control the situation, what to say, when to have that debate or discussion and how you can better prepare yourself. Its all about positioning yourself. Positioning myself? What? For a boxing match?! *NO!!! WBI is peaceful and is spreading peace!* Walk with me for a moment... Positioning Yourself means ---> having control over your words, which will help you control your thoughts, which will help you control your emotions and which will help you control your actions! Sometimes we forget all this and in the heat of the moment we act and then there's a reaction and further action and we end up in a dark pit - but to be honest we put ourselves there. Its ok, we're human and all this will happen. We Be Inspired - One Life, One Chance, One Vision is here to help each and every one of YOU to get back on the fitra, fill your souls with positivity and identify all the resources you need to make the best of your life here and prepare for the best akhira. Each week we will look at a topic and see how we can benefit from it, the lessons we can learn and the actions we can take straight away to create positive change iA. Next week you will receive your FREE e-Journal which will help you stay active as you read through the blog posts and do the exercises and action points. In the meantime please forward this email/blog post to your loved ones and if you're on facebook then {LIKE} us here http://www.fb.com/webeinspired and if you're part of the twitterati movement then {FOLLOW} us herehttp://www.twitter.com/webeinspired Today's question to start you up is; 'Why am I here on Planet al-Duniya and what is my Unique Purpose? Am I happy or can I be more than what I'm trying to be?' Have a think and self-discovery moment and I'll be back next Wednesday with your next blog post and your FREE e-Journal - get excited as with WBI the world will never be the same again - but much better iA! :) To Your Inspiration and Beyond! Nadia Leona Yunis |
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